32. fun vision

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"Sooooo, long story short, I followed some rats into the walls- turns out Tío had been living in there for the last few years, he left -well he did not leave, but like, he left- because of the vision he had of me, to protect me, but now I've convinced him to have another one so we can save the magic! Antonio and I will be on our way to... Find some sand. For your vision, Tío. You guys have fun!"

And with that, Mirabel was gone, dragging Antonio behind her and leaving you standing in front of your uncle, who sheepishly smiles before apparently opening his arms for a hug.

"You never left." You say bitterly.

Bruno's arms drop to his sides.

His head hung low in shame, and you weren't sure you wanted him to look up. Now that you had cried your heart out, a faint but cold anger had set in your heart, despite your will to understand your uncle. However, another part of you only wished to hug him tightly and never let go, so that he could never leave again.

"When you left, I was alone, I didn't know what to do. I couldn't believe it. I kept seeing you everywhere, and my gift didn't help. But you were never actually gone?"

He takes a deep breath, an apologetic expression on his face. You feel guilty for it, but the frustration burning within you was stronger.

"I was so worried for you! I- I was scared you'd meet bad people, or that you'd get lost- I thought you were dead!"


"I've missed you for ten years, all of that for nothing? You were still here! Why didn't you reach out to me? You know I wouldn't have told anybody. It's like, it's like I missed you, but you didn't miss me or the family because you got to see us everyday while we all thought you'd left us!"

"You know it's not true." He finally speaks, or you give him enough time to do so, in a calming voice, and you run a hand through your hair in frustration.

"Yeah, I know that! I know it must've been hard and all of that, but I'm so angry right now! Sorry!"

"No, I'm sorry. I should have reached out to you. I... maybe I shouldn't have left in the first place."

You look at his pained face, and it reminds you of the night he left. Of the words he spoke.

"I wish I was dead." You repeat those words like an echo of your memory. Bruno tilts his head, a brief glint of recognition shining in his eyes.


"'I wish I was dead.' That's what you told Abuela that night. If that's what living in this house made you feel, I understand why you left. I just wish you would have talked to mom or Tía Pepa. Maybe things would have gone differently then."

"You're right. But I was scared at the time, because of the vision, because when it's me, they're always like: oh, it's Bruno, he's all mean, he's killed my goldfis-"

"I get it. It was to protect Mirabel. Thank you for that. But don't you think mom would have listened to you? It was about her daughter."

Bruno looks surprised by the hypothesis, as if he had not thought about it before. Because, in fact, he had not. "Well... Yes, but the others, they would still have been scared of Mirabel, and trust me, it's no fun having people talk about y-"

He stops when he realizes.

"No fun indeed." You sigh, and his eyes soften. "I understand. Thank you for giving Mira a chance."

He looks at you, an apology written all over his face. You know you can't stay mad at him. It's not even his fault.


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