Chapter 92

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It was the middle of the night now. I was in pajamas consisting of an oversized button up shirt I got from Sam's shop and thick long pants. I wrapped a housecoat that I had found in a chest and cleaned loosely over me to keep my arms warm. My braids were in one large braid and tied with a blue ribbon. I had on some fluffy socks and tiptoed out of my room to the kitchen. I heard some muffled sounds coming from Yuu's room, but I chalked it up to Grim's sleep talking.

I made it to the kitchen and started the oven on a low temperature. I pulled out the platter of cinnamon rolls that Ghostie-B hid away for me and stuck them in the oven to warm up. I sat on the nearby counter to wait for them to be done. There was a window that looked out towards the woods behind Ramshackle. With the moonlight reflecting off the snow, it really looked like a fantasy world out there. It was beautiful.

I should share with Yuu and Grim...but this I think is a 'just me thing' this time...

"Yeah, just me..." I sighed. I leaned against the wall looking out the window when I saw a shadowy figure rush past some bushes. I sat up a bit and stared carefully out the frosted window. "What in the flubbernuggets was that?"

Before I could take a closer look, the soft ding of the timer I set sounded. I cautiously slid off the counter and took my now warm, gooey desserts out the oven. I set out four dessert plates and placed a cinnamon roll on each. I put the plates on the small breakfast table that sat in the middle of the kitchen and stood around it. My back was to the counter, and I just stared at the desserts.

"Daddy! Daddy! Are they done yet?" my own higher pitched voice bubbled around me as a memory played in my mind. I was in my nightgown that was an off white with powder blue gradient and a cerulean blue trim with a thick seafoam green sweater wrapped around me.

I was weaving through my father's legs as he took the pan out of the oven. He laughed as he tried to maneuver around me. "Good griefous woman! If you keep bobbin' and weavin' through my legs I might just drop 'em!"

"Hehe, sorry Daddy!" I giggled as I scurried away. I grabbed a chair from the dining table and half dragged it, half wiggled it over to the counter next to him. I climbed onto the chair and bounced in place as my dad prepped the cinnamon rolls to be iced. From the kitchen sink window, I could see the backyard gilded in white. The vast sea of conifer trees and the few winters berries that speckled amongst the snow was a peaceful sight. The soft sound of smooth jazz drifted through the house. "Can I ice them, Daddy? Pretty please~?"

"Hmm," my dad pondered. "Okidoki Viv-Bib, I think you're old enough to ice them now."

"Yeah! Hehehe!" I reached to grab the butter knife and icing, but my dad stopped me.

He got the knife before I did and held it out of my reach. "Now Vivi, you gotta make sure they all get some icing on it first. You can put more on afterwards. Got it?"

"Yes Daddy." I put on my best, innocent face I could muster. He handed me the knife and I got to work globbing on icing and smearing it over the batch. I giggled out of my mind as icing got everywhere and my dad looked on in astonished exasperation. When it was done, I put two rolls onto two separate plates. That's when I heard the front door open. I jumped up with excitement and jumped from the chair.

"Careful!" my dad uselessly warned.

I ran to the front door to see my brother and mother covered in snow and knocking snow shovels clean onto the porch. I barreled into my brother's back knocking him off balance for a bit. "Jer-Jer!"

"Oof!" He shook himself off and turned to look at me. "Oh, you're about to get it, Vivi~! I got cold fingers with your name on them!"

"Nooo, hehehe" I squealed as I tried to duck away.

Mother of Pearl: A Floyd Leech x OC FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now