Chapter 91

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"Ha..." Grim sighed. We trudged through the cold, snow covered walkway that lead to the gate of our humble abode. "We're finally back at our dorm."

"Our cold dorm..." Yuu shivered. "I feel like we haven't been here in so long."

"I for one am glad that we're back," I said as I unlatched the gate. "Wow, can't believe I said that..."

"Yeah, when Kalim suggested us stay another night, I was just about ready take another joyride of the magic carpet to hightail it out of there," Yuu chuckled. They then looked annoyed as they grumbled, "But I swear Floyd was about to kidnap you either way. Tch, I don't like how he treats you like a plushie."

"Heh, it's fine Yuu. He isn't as bad as when we first met him," I defended the eccentric eel.

Yuu looked like they were about to say something back, but a flying blur coming from Ramshackle caught our attention. "Hey! You guys!"

"GHOSTIE-A!!" Yuu and I called out cheerfully.

Grim grinned. "It's kinda nice seeing the ghost's faces after being stuck in that prison." Ghostie-A scooped Grim up and twirled him around in the air. Ghostie-B and Ghostie-C came flying out as well and each gave us a hug.

"I thought you guys got sent to the afterlife and never came back!" Ghostie-B blubbered on as he smothered Yuu in a hug. His ghostly tummy jiggled each time he let out a cry. "Everyone was so worried. Hehehehe..."

"Really? Everyone?" Yuu asked confused. "Do you mean all of the campus ghosts?!"

"I'm so glad you returned safe and sound," Ghostie-C was tamer in his long-awaited greeting. He brushed snow off my shoulder and tidied my hair.

"Aww, you guys are too sweet! We're fine, thank you!" I gushed as I gave him a hug.

"We also took care of the fireplace for you while you were gone!" Ghostie-A shared. He nearly threw Grim into the barren tree by the gate at his enthusiasm.


"Fnya! Now that you mention it...I completely forgot too!" Grim bit his lip as the memory of our "oh so important task" that the headmaster had assigned us.

"Well, thank you very much for doing that for us..." Yuu sighed as they messaged their temples.

"We didn't want to be freezing cold during the holidays," Ghostie-B told us nonchalantly.

"Oh, my goodness, we are so horrible leaving our ghosties to freeze," I pouted. Then I took a pause and thought about it some more. "Wait. Can you even get cold as ghosts?"

"Oh and that's right! The headmaster also sent a huge feast as a gift." Ghostie-C changed the subject. I swear these ghosts love causing existential crisis in us.

"Wow, he actually did something to benefit us?" Yuu sassed the new information.

"Nyaha! Time to feast!" Grim jumped up in joy. He pushed past the gate and started bounding towards to patio of Ramshackle. "Come on Yuu, Viv, let's go check it out!"

"After you, Viv," Yuu let me go first.

"Why thank you," I giggled at their mannerisms. As I was walking through the gate, a pair of magenta eyes with dilated slit pupils were mere inches from my own. Black slanted bangs with magenta stripes dangled upside down along with a fanged smile.

"Oh, you're back."

"AAHH!" I screamed. I instinctively went to punch the dangling face, but he dropped from the sky and dodged my strike.

Mother of Pearl: A Floyd Leech x OC FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now