Behind the Walls

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The girls follow the rats up the stairs then around the balcony till they stop, the rats not to be found. They then heard squeaking as a rat disappears behind a painting. (Y/N) kneels in front of it and taps it. She moves the painting revealing a tunnel in the wall. They go inside as the cracks make the way inside the walls. Mirabel gasps as a rat with a piece runs under her then the piece begins to float. The thunder rumbles revealing a man with a green ruana. It rumbles as the man looks at the girls make them scream. Then the man left the place. Mirabel runs after him.

"Mirabel, don't.", (Y/N) yells as she runs after her.
The man runs around as Mirabel chases him.

The man doesn't stop as he jumps up and runs on the wood beams, Mirabel chases him from underneath. The beams went down as Mirabel slides down breaking a beam as she continues to chase the man.

Meanwhile, Camilo is calming his mother in her room. Pepa sits down on her rocking chair with a cloud.
"It's okay, mami. Deep breath in, deep breath out.", Camilo says as he holds out a cup of the tea to her mother.

Mirabel slams against the wall behind Pepa. Pepa screams as lightning hit Camilo's nose as he shapeshifts into Félix, then Alma, then Agustín and then back to himself as he yells in pain.

The man slips a bit but continues to run.
"Stop!", Mirabel yells.

She nearly reaches him but he jumps to the sides where a gap is. Mirabel gasps stopping just in front of it. Mirabel takes a deep breath and jumps exactly like the man did. She reaches the end about to continue the chase but the wood beneath breaks. Mirabel grabs at a stick trying to pull herself but the stick breaks making her nearly lose grip.

"No! No! Help! Help ... (Y/N)! (Y/N)!"
Bit by bit, she is loosing her grip.
"Help me!"
(Y/N) just arrives at the gap as she sees Mirabel's grip losen.
"Help me!"
Mirabel's hand slips.

Then someone grabs Mirabel's hand making the girls looks up. (Y/N) gasps as she can't believe who that someone is. It is Bruno that went missing for ten years.

"You're very sweaty.", Bruno says.

Suddenly the wood beneath him breaks making him fall. Mirabel quickly grabs a root and Bruno with her other hand. Bruno smiles at her but then a rat crawls out of his ruana making Mirabel screams as she lets go. Bruno screams as he falls into the fog.

"No.", Mirabel reaches out but it is too late.
"Bruno!", (Y/N) yells.

Then Bruno stands up unharmed and waves the fog away. The gap isn't soo deep. (Y/N) airbends herself to the other side as she helps Mirabel up and then the two help Bruno up. He looks at the gap and at the girls.

"Bye.", he simply says and walks away.
"What? No, hold on.", Mirabel follows him.
"Wait, wait.", (Y/N) follows too.
Then she slams into a beam.
"Ow.", she whines.
Bruno doesn't stop walking.
"Why did you take the vision?", Mirabel asks.
"Knock, knock, knock, knock, knock. Knock on wood.", he knocks on the wood then crosses his fingers holding his breath.
"What does it mean? Is it why you came back or ..."
"Bruno?", (Y/N) asks.
Bruno exhales deeply then knocks on the wood again.
"You two were never supposed to see that vision. No one was. A little salt."
He throws salt over his shoulder as it hits on Mirabel's face. She spits it out and wipes it away.
He throws sugar and this time it hits on (Y/N)'s face which made her also spit it out and wipe it away.
"Sana sana, colita de rana.", he jumps between the cracks.
The cracks on the wall next to him are patched.
"Wait, have you been in here ... patching the cracks, Bruno?", (Y/N) asks.
"Oh, that? No, no, no, no, no. I'm too scared to go near those things. All the patching's done by Hernando.", Bruno answers.
"Who is Hernan..."
"I'm Hernando and I'm scared of nothing!", Bruno says with a deep voice, his hood up.

""I'm Hernando and I'm scared of nothing!", Bruno says with a deep voice, his hood up

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Mirabel looks at him weirdly while (Y/N) snickers. She remembers a day where she comforts Bruno and he shows his acting skills to her.
"It's actually me. I used to say my real gift was "acting.", he chuckles taking his hood down.
Mirabel still looks at him weirdly.
"I'm Jorge, I make the spackle.", Bruno says now with altered voice, a bucket on his head.
"How long have you been ... back here?", Mirabel asks.

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