We don't talk about Bruno

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The girls go out of Bruno's door and walk towards the nursery when they bump into Alma.
"Where are you coming from in such a hurry? And (Y/N). Why aren't you preparing dinner?", Alma asks angry.
"I'm sorry, I was ...", Mirabel starts.
"What is in your hair?"
Mirabel shakes the sand out of hair.
"MY GIFT!", Luisa sobbs coming up the stairs behind Alma, "I'm losing my gift!"
"Mirabel and I were having this little talk about me carrying too much, so, I tried not to carry so much but I realised it was putting me behind and I knew I was gonna let everyone down and I felt really bad so I was grabbing all the donkeys but then when I went to throw the donkeys in the barn, they were ... HEAVY!"
Luisa runs in tears to her room. Alma and the two girls watch Luisa as the door closes.
"What did you do? What did you say to her?", Alma asks Mirabel.
"Nothing. I ... I don't ..."
"Mirabel ...", Alma starts but then the church bells rings," I have to go to the Guzmáns for Isabella's engagement. Stay away from Luisa until I can talk to her. Tonight, we can't have any more problems. And whatever you're doing, stop doing it! And you, (Y/N), go back to the kitchen and prepare. You have two hours till then.", Alma orders then walks down the stairs.
"Two hours is enough for me.", (Y/N) says.
They look at Luisa's door how it flickers, hearing Luisa crying.
"Well, I better go to the kitchen and prepare dinner.", (Y/N) declares and walks down the stairs.

Mirabel goes to her room and sets the pieces down on her sewing desk.
"Why am I in your vision, Bruno?"
Suddenly thunder rumbles scaring Mirabel as she hides the pieces behind her back. Pepa stands at the door with a box, a thunder cloud over her head.
"Tía! Jeez."
"Sorry. Sorry, I didn't mean to ...", Pepa starts then looks at the cloud, "Shoo, shoo, shoo!", she pushes the cloud out of the room and closes the door, "I just wanted to get the last of Toñito's things and then I heard "the name we do not speak."
As she says it, the cloud reappears over her head
""Great, now I'm thundering.", she gets nervous, "And a thundering will lead to a drizzle and a drizzle will lead to a sprinkle ... Clear skies, clear skies. Clear skies.", she exhales calming down and kneels down to the ground.
"Tía Pepa? If Bru...", Mirabel hesitates as the cloud again reappears over Pepa's head, "If he had a vision about "someone", what would it mean for them?"
"We don't talk about Bruno.", Pepa says irritated.
"I know, it's just, hypothetically, if he "saw" you ..."
"Mirabel, please, We need to get ready for the Guzmáns.", Pepa shoos her cloud away.
"I just want to know if it was generally positive ... or, like, less positive ..."
Suddenly Félix bursts into the room.
"Ey, she needs to know, Pepi. She needs to know."
"We don't talk about Bruno.", Pepa puts her finger to her husband lips but he push it away.
"He would say something terrible. And then ... ", he makes ticking sounds, "Boom! It would happen."
Pepa pulled her husband away from Mirabel.
"We don't talk about Bruno."
"What if you didn't understand what he saw?", Mirabel wonders.
"Then you better figure it out, because it was coming for you!", Félix says grabbing her shoulders.

We don't talk about Bruno, no, no, no!
We don't talk about Bruno ...

But it was my wedding day
It was our wedding day
We were getting ready
And there wasn't a cloud in the sky
No clouds allowed in the sky
Bruno walks in with a mischievious grin ...
You're telling this story or am I?
I'm sorry mi vida
Go on...
Bruno says "It looks like rain."
What did he tell us?
In doing, so
He floods my brain
Abuela get the umbrellas
Married in a hurricane ...
What a joyous day, but anyway ...

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