26. Luisa's eye is twitching?!?

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"Dolores, hey! You know, out of all of my older cousins, you're like, my favorite cousin, so I feel like I can talk to you about anything, ergo you can talk to me about anything, like the problem with the magic last night that no one seemed to worry about, but maybe you heard something about that maybe I should know about."

"Mira-" You perch up over Dolores' shoulder, ready to tell your sister she was not talking to the good cousin.

"Camilo!" Félix beats you to it as he exits the kitchen, followed by the real Dolores. "Stop pretending you're Dolores so you can have seconds."

"Worth a shot." The boy morphs back into himself, and Casita whacks him with a shutter, nearly hitting you as well. "Ah! Ey!"

You absent-mindedly pat Camilo's back in comfort, which was already brought to him by his intact plate of food anyway, as you watch Dolores whisper in Mirabel's ear, unable to hear anything. However, you do see your sister turn to Luisa, who was innocently carrying your breakfast table in one hand.

"There we go." She smiles as she settles it down, and all of the family gathers around it to eat. Mirabel even steals Pepa's seat to sit next to Luisa, and Félix has to calm her down. What did Dolores say to your sister to make her risk another hurricane? You manage to sit next to your older sister as well, on her other side, that Mirabel obviously didn't see was free.

Meanwhile, your attention is diverted by the sound of someone sitting next to you with a groan. It was Carlos, who had never looked as exhausted. His hair was covering both his eyes this time, and he groans again as you brush it out of the way.

"You look terrible." He says when he finally regains clear sight.

"Have you seen yourself?" You snap back.

"No, but I bet I look amazing."

"Falser words have never been spoken."

Abuela stops him before he can retaliate. "Family! We are all thankful for Antonio's wonderful new... gift..."

You smile to yourself as a few coatis are chased from your grandmother's chair. You were happy Antonio got such a gift, it suited him so well.

"I told 'em to warm up your seat!" He grins, and she answers with a tight smile.

"Thank you, Tonito. I'm sure today we'll find a way to put your blessings to good use..." She trails off, and unconsciouly lets her eyes fall on you. When she realizes, she looks away as if nothing happened, slightly embarrassed. You raise an eyebrow, unbothered. "...as must we all, we are the caretakers of this Encanto..."

You hear Mirabel whisper something to Luisa, and try your best to listen to it, but only manage to get a few words.

"... you're totally freaking out... you maybe know... last night, with the magic..."

So Luisa must really know something. Was it why she was so nervous about Antonio's ceremony, as she told you about a month ago?

You jump as Mirabel suddenly pounds the table in excitement. "You do!"

She does? Does what? You unknowingly lean towards your older sister in curiousity.

"Mirabel." Abuela calls your sister, and you at the same time, back to reality. "If you can't pay attention, I will help you."

"Actually, I-" She tries.

"Casita?" Abuela cuts her, and the house moves your little sister next to Abuela, at the end of the table. You straighten your back, trying to show you were paying attention not to suffer the same fate. "As I was saying, we must never take our miracle for granted, so today, we will work twice as hard."

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