Chapter 84

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I walked up to Kalim cheerfully. "Hey, Prefect Kalim!"

"Yes? Oh, Viv!" He cheerfully responded. "Do you need something?"

"Actually, before Azul went off, he showed me this really informative video on my phone. I think it will help if everyone saw it," I pointed to my smartphone. "Is there a way to get everyone to view it?"

"Of course! Hey everyone!" Kalim got the entire dorm's attention. "Viv has a video lesson they want to show us. Get on your phones!"

"Yeah, if you go here, this live-stream teaches you all sorts of magic," I navigated everyone to where they needed to be.

Now let the fun begin.

Azul's voice was the first to come through as the scene of him walking down the hall with Jamil was shown on the screen. "All the students have had a 15% improvement from yesterday. Very good results."

"That's great!" a student cheered.

"Yeah, but I thought this was supposed to be a lesson video," another one mentioned.

"It is," I spoke over them. "It is very important you all pay attention. Especially you, Kalim."

"I heard from the Ramshackle members that Kalim has been a bit emotionally unstable lately," Azul went on. "It seems that he has calmed down a bit since we've arrived. I'm glad the students have regained their trust and support for Kalim."

"I'm glad too," Kalim whispered.

"...This is going to be a problem," Jamil murmured.

"Eh?" Azul raised an eyebrow as the celebratory atmosphere disappeared. Kalim sat beside me with a confused head tilt, like a puppy.

"I'm sorry, but you can't stay here at Scarabia any longer," Jamil stopped walking and held firm with his arms crossed. "Go back to the bottom of the sea."


"What is Vice Prefect Jamil saying?"

"They've been so helpful!"

The whisperings of the Scarabia dorm buzzed in the room. I held my focus with Kalim on what would transpire next.

"What's the matter, Jamil?" Azul got closer to his classmate. "Did I do something to upset you?"

"You don't understand, do you? Do you see how upset I am?" Jamil frowned. Azul look him in the eyes with worry. "You looked into my eyes. You idiot. "The one that is reflected in your eyes is your master. If I ask, you answer. If I order, bow your head to my command. Snake Whisper."

"What?!" Azul gasped as a purple mist tried to seep into his eyes. He blinked rapidly as he grasped his head. "Ugh! My head..."

There were gasps in the lounge as dorm members watched with bated breath. Kalim gulped and clenched his fists. Jamil had a conniving smirk as he said. "If you resist, it will only hurt more. Give up now and obey."

Azul had his eyes shut tight as he tried to fight back. Jamil was confident as he looked down at Azul's pained form. "Now...Azul, who is your master?"

"My master is..." Azul strained. Then his demeanor shifted. There was no more struggle as he stood there like a zombie. When he opened his eyes, they were a desert red swirl instead of an ocean blue. "You. It is you, Jamil." It was his voice that spoke, but it sounded almost mechanical. "Please, give me an order...Master."

Jamil laughed. It started low but grew to a maniacal volume. He had a large, twisted smile. Jamil was finally showing emotion on that smooth face of his, and it was nothing but cocky smugness. "Did you let your guard down because you thought I was just some 'average magician'? How could you possibly be the Prefect of Octavinelle?"

"You finally show what you're capable of, you blubber twisted sea serpent," I grumbled as I got lost in the events unfolding.

"Honestly...My plan was finally starting to work until you showed up."

"Plans? What does Vice Prefect Jamil mean?" I heard a Scarabia first year quiver.

Jamil himself answered, "I was so close to getting Kalim kicked out of Scarabia by using those three from the Ramshackle dorm. To force Kalim out of his dorm leader position without getting my hands dirty; do you not realize how much trouble I went through to do all this?"

"Jamil..." Kalim whispered in almost a choked cry. I gave him a pat on the back as the undeniable betrayal kept unfolding.

"For my first order, I will have you, Azul, order the twins to go back to the Coral Sea...No, wait..." Jamil was thinking heavily. "Azul, did you return all those abilities to the people who had contracts with the other day?"

"Yes..." Azul answered.

"Tch, then it's impossible to use you like some sort of genie of the lamp. Azul's unique magic is very valuable, but it's gonna be difficult to keep brainwashing this guy for a long period of time..."

"...but I do remember the contract details," Azul mentioned to the muttering Jamil.


Azul was loose lipped as he talked, "The secrets of each person who has made a deal with me. Their worries, weaknesses, desires. I remember them all."

Jamil gave a smug chuckle, "What a horrible collection. I was right about not becoming friends with you. With all those secrets, would you happen to have the headmaster, Dire Crowley, in there?"

"Of course, I do," Azul replied with a tinge of pride in his delusional state. "I know his deepest secrets that he never wants to be revealed."

"Haha...I did it. I finally did it!" Jamil triumphantly boasted. "Everything is going to plan! You are my genie of the lamp, Azul!"

"Master, is it the secrets of Headmaster Crowley you wish for?" Azul asked.

"That's right. Once I get a hold of Headmaster's weakness...I can finally be free..." Jamil let himself go. "I can get Kalim kicked out of this school and become the dorm leader of Scarabia!"

"I think I've heard enough," Jade's calm voice contrasted Jamil's now desperate one.

"And I think we have as well..." I said as I looked up to scan over the room. Faces were etched with pain and anger, but Kalim's had me hurting the most. He was sitting there with a face void of the light that usually radiated off him. The sun had set for him.

Mother of Pearl: A Floyd Leech x OC FanfictionTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang