24. totally not going to Antonio's gift ceremony

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"Here yah go." Down below, Luisa picks up a donkey to park it. It was time for Antonio's ceremony, and people were flooding into the house. Meanwhile, you stayed in your room, not wanting anyone to see you. It was for the best, they all thought you were absolutely unhinged. Were you ? You smirk as you question yourself. Yeah, totally. Anyway, you were still sad you couldn't go. It was Antonio's night, after all.

Eventually, curiosity got the best of you, and you opened your window to see everyone come in, Luisa and Camilo being in charge of welcoming the guests.

"Oye, Osvaldo !"

"Hola, Señora."

"Cecilia, up top !"

You smile as you watch your cousin greet everyone in a different way. When Camilo ends up slipping on something as he rushes to help an elder walk up to the house, you let out a laugh.

You panicked as it caught the attention of some of the guests, immediately made yourself invisible to their eyes, and snorted at their confused expressions. It was one of the few times being able to turn invisible so easily had helped you. That's when you realize...

You just had to stay unseen. Didn't mean you had to be absent.

"Yooooo." You whisper to yourself, impressed by your own intelligence.

It doesn't take you more than a minute to get dressed out of your pajamas -you had to be presentable, at least for yourself- and into one of your prettiest dresses, that Mirabel had sewed for your sixteenth birthday. After taking a deep breath, you place your hand on the doorknob, push it, and step out.

The atmosphere was utterly different outside your room. People were chatting in the courtyard, kids were running everywhere -or climbing on Luisa's back- and Isabela showered guests with flowers as Mariano fawned over her, while Dolores fawned over Mariano. You click your tongue, that was not your business anymore.

You almost scream, blowing your cover when Abuela suddenly walks past you and stops right in front of your door. She looks at it with sad eyes, her hand hesitantly reaching towards it and lingering there for a few seconds. But her expression hardens as she shakes her head and walks away. You stand there for a good minute, trying to take in what had just happened.

Did she almost knock on your door to talk to you ? Incidentally discovering you weren't in your room ?

The room suddenly turns quiet as Abuela steps on top of the stairs, the candle in hand. The guests make room for people to walk from the foyer, in which Antonio was probably waiting and in which you see Dolores enter, to your cousin's untouched door. You couldn't wait to see the already slightly sparkling glows lighten up.

You hoped they would lighten up.

After a little while, Pepa, Félix, Dolores and the twins exit the room, taking position, and Abuela starts her usual speech.

"Fifty years ago, in our darkest moment, this candle blessed us with a miracle. And the greatest honor of our family has been to use our blessings to serve this beloved community. Tonight, we come together once more as another steps into the light... to make us proud."

The curtains hiding your cousin from everyone finally open. Casita points the light to the small figure nervously standing in the doorframe.

You can't imagine how nervous Antonio must feel right now. You sure were at your gift ceremony, but after Mirabel's went wrong, the pressure he must have on his shoulder would have crushed you.

"Come on, primo." You whisper to yourself, gripping on the railing as you watch him hesitate despite Casita slightly pushing him forward. He eventually extends his hand, probably to someone you can't see. Your eyes roam the courtyard to find the missing family member : it was Mirabel.

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