22. what was that?

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"Pepa got to the school before Félix could calm her down. Apparently, Camilo was rather reluctant to help him." Agustín fills you in with the situation as you both sit on your bed, comfortably installed with the tray full of delicious food your mother had cooked for you and brought you a few minutes ago. "Anyway, she might have traumatised a few teachers, but they got the message. Apparently, one of them had already stood up in your favor, I think it was the math teacher..."

"Mr. Diaz." You smile to yourself imagining the poor man trying to defend you, the assaulter, against Angela, the victim that everyone always praised for her social abilities. You were thankful nevertheless.

"Yes. So, now they know about it, and they plan to have a meeting later this week to talk about your punishment -you still hit someone, mija-, but it won't be as severe. They also consider giving Angela a sanction, but they'll have to investigate the matter."

"Thanks for the infos, dad." You lean back into your pillow with a satisfied sigh. You were getting pampered by your parents, and even though you knew it was partly because they felt guilty, you couldn't refuse. Plus, they probably brought you food so that you wouldn't have to exit your bedroom, risking meeting Abuela.

You didn't know what she thought of the situation, and you decided not to care. Everybody was probably angry at her right now, but you knew they couldn't really tell her anything. So everything would probably go back to normal after one or two days, except she'd hate you a little more.

A knock on the door made the both of you turn your heads towards the sound, and Casita opened it to reveal Carlos leaning against the wall with his signature smirk.

"Aye, prima. It's time for a movie night."


Agustín was mercilessly thrown out of the room by Casita itself, and a TV soon appeared in your room. Carlos sat next to you, stealing some of your food as you both decided on what movie to watch. In the end, you both agreed on one of Bruno's favorites, because it was so funny to reenact afterhand. You never did with Carlos, but it was always a happy memorie to revive.

After a little while of silently watching the movie, another knock on the door is heard. You motion to Casita to open the door, and it creaks open. Mirabel was shyly standing there with guilty yet hopeful eyes, waiting for an invitation you gladly give her. You open your arms, and she runs to you, throwing herself in your embrace. You both hug for a while, you stroking her hair softly, as always.

This reassured Mirabel, showed her that behind the secrets you kept, you were still her big sister. Nothing had changed.

"I'm sorry." She whispers in your ear.

"I'm sorry too."

She adjusted herself to watch the movie, leaning her head on your shoulder and your arm still around her. Carlos doesn't even react to the newcomer, blankly staring at the screen to give you some privacy ; after that, he moves his legs on top of yours to annoy you, which brings up the mood of the room a little bit.

What brings it up more is yet another knock on your door, this time announcing Luisa bringing a snack supply with an awkward smile. You all invite her and she happily sits on the other side from you, constantly offering you new snacks, to the point you have to basically beg her to pay attention to the movie or else you'd explode.

The following knocks on the door don't even surprise you anymore. The rest of your cousins and Isabela join you for the rest of the movie, and you have to imagine a larger bed so your room creates one that can allow all of you to comfortably sit, and eventually give someone enough space to try suffocating their twin with a pillow for even daring resting his head on their shoulder.

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