21. the motherfucking truth

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The sky was of a dark grey, that grey you'd only see on bad days. Casita's doors windows barely kept the wind outside, and you were wondering when it would start raining.

Pepa walked around the kitchen table, muttering a few 'clear skies' to herself while still trying to pay attention to the conversation.

"... shame on our family ! What have you done, (Y/n) ! That is not how a Madrigal should behave !"

You kept a straight face as your grandmother scolded you, for the simple reason that you weren't listening.

What now ? You hit Angela. Everyone at school probably thought of you as a maniac. Except Luca, and Leta, if you were lucky. You had jumped straight into her trap with eyes closed.

But you had broken her nose. A small consolation, that was quickly taken away from you as Julieta gave weeping Angela a freshly cooked arepa. She looked exhausted now, standing behind you with her hand on your shoulder and unsure what to think. Why would her daughter ever do that ? That wasn't like you at all.

"We've talked with the teachers. They say (Y/n) could at best be suspended for a month, or expelled definitely." Agustín enters the room, followed by Félix who immediately rushes to Pepa's side to rub her back. "They'll have a meeting to talk about it this week."

"Until then she can still go to school." Félix adds, shrugging. "Their logic is-"

"Their logic is not our problem." Abuela interrupts, still sending you death glares from over the room, and for which you couldn't care less. You were strangely calm, at peace.

Nothing really mattered anymore. The truth was able to get exposed soon, you could feel it.

Or see it on Dolores' face.

"Our problem is (Y/n), who assaulted a young girl in front of all of the children of our Encanto !" Abuela continues as Dolores bites her lip and nervously looks at her, then at you. "This is unforgivable, especially coming from you !"

Dolores' mouth pressed into a thin line.

"You are unworthy of this family !"

"Mamá !" Both Julieta and Pepa yelled, and a lighting bolt hit the ground right behind Dolores' seat.

"The girl (Y/n) hit has been bullying her for years !" Your cousin blurts out, then clasping her hands over her mouth. "Hmm !"

Silence falls on the room. You suddenly don't feel as serene anymore, despite knowing this was bound to happen. Your stomach drops when you come back to your senses and realise everyone was staring at you. Outside, the sound of rumbling thunder is heard.

You stared down at your hands that were resting on the table and nervously playing with a flower that had grown there -it was weird, Isabela usually was very careful with where she wanted things to grow-, suddenly finding the activity very interesting.

"What ?" Your mother's voice sounded, weak, pained. "(Y/n) ?"

You didn't answer. Answering was too difficult.

"Mija..." Agustín kneeled down next to you, trying to make you look at him, but your eyes were fixated on the flower that you delicately manipulated in your hands. "Mija, is that true ?"

"That girl." Mirabel frowned at your lack of response. "She was calling her a freak even before (Y/n) hit her. I couldn't understand why."

"Even after that," Luisa piped up. "She kept calling her crazy-"

"And she insulted Mirabel !" Camilo exclaimed. "For no reason at all, and (Y/n) told her to stop twice, but she kept going."

"The rumors." Isabela's calm voice surprises you, but not enough to make you look up. "Every rumor you hear about (Y/n) in the village. They all come from her."

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