20. scrumptious sandwich

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Something wasn't right with Leta.

Angela could see it. The way her classmate would look at you with newly admirative eyes that quickly turned dark when people would talk about how creepy you were.

She could see hesitation, too.

Leta wasn't very brave. She knew it, they used to be pretty close when they were kids, but eventually grew apart as Leta started becoming a decent human being -asking for proof anytime Angela would start a new rumor-.

So Angela decided to damage her reputation a little bit, to keep her calm. Nobody knew where that rumor came from, but in fourth grade, Leta suddenly became a thief. Nothing too serious, just a few missing pencils, but it was enough to make Leta grow into a very quiet and shy person.

She was extremely careful about her behavior and her reputation.

That was what worried Angela even more. Lately, she has been greeting you, discreetly, but always with a smile.

You had been shocked at first, but gladly accepted it and returned her shy 'hello' with a wide smile. Luca even high-fived you when the girl turned around.

That could only mean things were getting better for you.

And worse for Angela.

She may have gotten too far with the rumors those last weeks. Her classmates' dubious gazes had warned her, as well as Jose directly asking her if the fact you had once pushed a whole chicken coop to peck each other to death was true -it was a funny one, wasn't it?-. And Jose never doubted her before.

Worse, some had already noticed the way Leta behaved with you. Alicia had even smiled at you once, Angela still shivered at the thought. People were starting to talk about how you acted with Luca -that is to say like a normal person- and saying maybe you weren't that much of a creep.

She had to do something to make them change their minds. Somehow, she had to make you act like the scary and heartless girl she told them you were.


You were peacefully minding your own business, sharing Luca's sandwiches with him in the cafeteria because, one : you had forgotten your lunch at home, and two : his mother always made a nonsensical amount of food. She was probably scared he would starve to death.

You had only started to go there recently, after you met Luca. You usually ate on your own somewhere hidden, so that the twins or Mirabel wouldn't see you spending lunch time alone. But now it was okay, you had your first friend with you, and they sometimes joined you for lunch. Except today, they were eating with their respective friends.

"That's some good sandwich." You try to say, mouth full of the delicious food.

"Uh uh." Luca answers, having not deciphered anything you just mumbled his way.

"Really, the flavors..."


"Do I taste a bit of butter between the salad and the ham ?"

"I a hundred percent agree with you."

You eye him weirdly, trying to understand whatever he was agreeing with. You decide it was the butter bit, though a weird way to express his opinion.

"Hey... Can I sit here ?"

You almost spit out your, did you already mention, delectable sandwich, but manage to finish swallowing what was to swallow.

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