19. a two-faced lying bitch

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Luca frantically screams when he feels your hand grab his shoulder out of nowhere. Meanwhile, you unknowingly let any doubt of him being an illusion go away as soon as you feel his warmth under your fingers. That was definitely real.

The meteor shower was done now, and the few townspeople that had come to watch it had either gone home or gathered to chat for a bit. How delighted you were when you saw one figure standing out of the group, still staring at the sky with a pensive gaze.

You sneaked up on Luca, and so there you were.

"Oh, (Y/n) ! Fancy seeing you here." He says casually when he regains composure. You nod.

"Came to see the shooting stars ? That was pretty, right ?"

"Yeah ! Did you make a wish ?"

"I totally forgot to." You realize as you tell him, and you both exchange disappointed looks before shrugging. After a few seconds, you decide your legs are tired and randomly sit on the floor. Luca joins you.

Your mouth forms a pensive pout as a question crosses your mind. "Does it even work in that case anyway ? There were hundreds of them."

He takes a deep breath, ready to hit you with his impressive knowledge of the skies and its myths.

"I don't know."


"But in case it does work, I've made tons of wishes. So if I show up to school with green eyes one day, don't be surprised."

You frown, surprised by such a specific wish. "You wished for green eyes ? I would have asked for money, or, like, to be a math genius."

"Okay, first of all, that was only one of my many wishes. Secondly, wow, your wish would have been really selfish. You could have asked for World Peace, and you want money ?"

You scowl and punch his shoulder for that.

"You didn't ask for World Peace either."

"You think so ? It was one of my wishes. Anyway finally, yes, green eyes. I'd love 'em one me. Brown's not my color, I fear."

You look at him as if he had two heads. Two heads you would gladly punch some sense into.

"Bro, I'mma speak the truth and nothing but the truth. I literally love your eyes, they're so pretty. I don't think I could imagine you with any other eye color. Brown is definitely your color."

You slowly nod to yourself after speaking those words of wisdom, proud of the shy smile you managed to make appear on Luca's face.

"T-thank you." He says in a quiet voice, and you barely hear his stutter. You don't mind it, though. Luca was sometimes pretty shy when it came to compliments. And staring. And participating in class.

In short, yes, he was shy. It was a mystery how he managed to back you up when Angela started acting up, but he did it somehow so you were thankful for it.

"Well, what are  some of your other wishes then ?" You smile, looking up at the starry night sky. You'd probably have to go home soon, when Isabela, Dolores and Luisa would be finished talking to the townspeople. Camilo and Mirabel were just hanging out like you and Luca right now, the former one entertaining the other by metamorphosing into other people.

Luca hums, thinking of the demands to the stars he wanted to reveal.

"That Mr. Diaz finally finds a girlfriend with whom he'll stay."

"Asking for the impossible, I see. What else ?"

"Don't do Diaz like that." He snorts. "I also wished my favorite character in the last book I read didn't die a tragic death."

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