17. happy birthday

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"Oh, fucking hell."

Is all you say when you wake up from your dream. If you could call it a dream, that is. It seemed like more of a flashback to you, reminding you of the time you used to get lost in your own illusions. Great, really.

"Starting off the day with some interesting words, I see."

You open your eyes, slightly annoyed that Casita kept letting people in your room while you were sleeping.

"Dad ?"

Agustín gives you a disapproving gaze, concerned about your language when you just started a brand new day. You shrug it off with a lie.

"Nightmare. Sorry."

But was it really a lie ? You kept dreaming about this for some unknown reasons. The fear of your life being a complete illusion always lived in a corner of your mind, but it started to take more and more space ever since the dreams started. Was your mind trying to warn you about something, or were you just paranoid ?

"Oh, mija. Are you alright ? Do you want to talk about it ? You know you can tell me anything." Your father immediately kneels down before your bed to... Check your temperature ? You weren't sick.

"No, it's fine. Thanks, dad." You smile as he still puts his hand on your forehead 'just in case'. You roll your eyes, ready to just go back to sleep. "Why are you here, by the way ? It's Saturday."

He sighs. "Mija, you asked me to wake you up early yesterday. You remember ?"

You didn't remember. Or maybe you did... Right. You had, indeed, asked your dad to wake you up before a certain someone. Because it was that certain someone's birthday.

"Oh ! Right, thank you dad." You instantly wake up and hug him before quickly pushing him out of the room so you could get dressed. Agustín stands behind the door you just softly closed in his face, sighing.

"Children. They grow up so fast." He dramatically says, then manages to trip on his own foot as he begins to walk away. As usual, the house helps him up, and he brushes some invisible dust off his shoulder. "Thank you, Casita."

You're quick to storm out of your room and head towards the nursery, package in hand. It was a tradition for you to wake this person up every time their birthday came up ; the only tradition that could get you out of bed in a few seconds, considering you had to be there to wake them up.

You discreetly sneak into the nursery, hearing nothing but a few snores from Antonio -he wasn't your target, though, just a witness-. After a worryingly quiet walk towards your prey's bed, that could only betray years of practice, you find yourself in place. A simple sign to Casita makes the house open the shutters wide so you could see your target in broad daylight.

"MIRABOO !" You yell, throwing yourself on your sister's groaning form. Mirabel tries to escape the blanket in which she was rolled up to give you a good slap, but she fails and miserably accepts her fate.

"Happy birthday, Mirabel." Antonio sits up in his bed, still half-awake. He rubs his eyes, smiling, before joining you on his cousin's bed and hugging the both of you.

"Thank you, Tonito." You hear Mirabel's muffled voice under the blanket, and you finally let go of her so that she could breathe. You give her your best grin, trying to make her forget you had just woken her up.

"Happy birthday, hermana." You boop her nose, and she unconsciously smiles. You kiss her cheek in apology.

"Thanks... I guess." She giggles and sits up, finally stretching. "I should have woken up earlier to trick you, just like last year."

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