16. butterflies

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"DON'T WORRY SIS I GOT YOUR BACK !" Mirabel screams when she notices you suddenly disappear underwater. She jumps into the water and bravely swims towards you and her cousins to help you out.

Meanwhile, you heard nothing of what she said, too busy struggling to get Carlos off your back under the water. Camilo was right by his side, helping him drag you down but letting you come back up a few times so you could still breathe -very nice of him, you thought-.

You somehow manage to grab Carlos' ankles and pull them, making him let go of you as he inevitably falls backward. Mirabel takes care of Camilo, and, soon enough, you're free and hurrying to get out of the water before your cousins catch you again.

"I wanna go play with them." Antonio says with great hope.

"Trust me, Tonito, you don't." Dolores shakes her head, watching Carlos shrug it off and forget about his peace treaty with Camilo. He goes back to drowning him mercilessly.

Meanwhile, you didn't even take the time to take your drenched clothes off and rushed towards the boulder, closely followed by Mirabel who had agreed to help you avenge after she witnessed Luca pushing you. It's faster for you to reach the top of the waterfall without having to help him, by the way, which is partly why he was so surprised when he saw you and your sister running towards him. He did expect revenge, though, and had used the time he had left to take off his clothes. There he stood in all his glory, in his swimsuit, cornered at the very edge he had pushed you from.

"Oh, hey..." He says nervously as you and Mirabel stood in front of him with stoic faces. It was time for his judgement. "Fancy seeing you here."

"Cut the bullshit, Suarez." You shake your head disapprovingly, a predator smile creeping on your face. He gulps down his saliva and carefully raises his hands in surrender.

"Listen, listen. I really do have a fear of heights."

"You seemed pretty confident when you stepped near that edge to push me." You raise an eyebrow, taking a step forward.

"Because it was fun- I mean, I'm sorry."

"It's okay, I thought it was funny too." You smile, letting out a low chuckle that made a shiver run down his spine. Next to you, Mirabel was in total awe of the way you behaved. "Now it's my turn to laugh."


You push him, rather softly, but it is still enough to make him fall backwards, and head first into the pond. You and Mirabel lean over the edge to watch him swim back up, hair covering his face and blinding him from the two wild animals that were threateningly coming his way.

"Good luck with the sharks !" You giggle, and Mirabel lets out an impressed exclamation. You turn to her , raising an eyebrow.

"You popped off, sister." Is all she says.

Then, the both of you jump in the water as well, after you take off your clothes to reveal your swimsuit, of course.


"Antonio ! Careful." Dolores exclaims as her brother dangerously gets further into the water, reaching a spot his feet wouldn't reach.

"Got him." Luca lifts the little boy up, making him laugh and wave his arms around in the air as if he was flying.

"He's so cute." You giggle, watching Luca support your cousin's imagination and carry him around.

"Which one ?" Dolores raises an eyebrow, nudging you. You were sitting in the water, back leaning against a rock. The weather today really was especially hot.

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