Chapter 28 - The Secret Meeting

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Y/N = Your Name

* 2nd Person's P.O.V

A/N: I don't own the picture; It belongs to its original owner. 

Lindo was holding you in his arms, Ritsuka asked " Evangeline? Are you there?" Lindo spoke " She's gone, Ritsuka. She's back to Y/N" Lindo and Ritsuka heard a door opened " What's going on here?" They turned their heads down to see Rem inspecting the unconscious students. Rem moved his head to Ritsuka " Ritsuka, what happened?" Ritsuka spoke as Rem walked towards her " Rem? What are you doing here?" Before Rem could reach Ritsuka, he heard a voice growled " You!" Lindo quickly stands in front of Ritsuka while carrying you in his arms. Lindo shouted, " Stay away from my sisters!" Rem backs away from Lindo, he turned his glaze towards your unconscious form. Rem noticed your clothes were nearly torn off and your wings were appearing out of your back. He turned to see the unconscious students. Rem began to suspect that you and Ritsuka were attacked. However, he was unsure who was behind the attack. Lindo turns to Ritsuka " Come on, Ritsuka. We're going home" Lindo carries you away while Ritsuka follows behind.

* 3rd Person's P.O.V

 Rem watches them leave; he decides to continue this inspection without them. Rem turned his head back to the unconscious students. He noticed they had demonic markings on their necks. Rem squinted his eyes at the marks ' I see, these humans were controlled by a demon.' He scratched his chin ' But I'm not sure who's responsible for this.' Suddenly, Rem noticed something shining in the light. He moved his head to see a strange, long sword on the ground. Rem walks over to the sword and bends down to inspect it. The cross-guard was in the form of angel wings, the pommel was a white gem, and a mysterious light blue aura that was surrounding it (This is the closest picture I can find.) 


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* Time Skip* 

In the third library, Urie, Mage, and Shiki were waiting for Rem. Mage grunted impatiently as he sat at the table " What's taking that guy so long?" Urie twirls the rose in this hand while leaning on his chair " Would you keep it down? Rem said that it was an emergency." Shiki was sitting on the table " What do you think Rem wanted to discuss with us?" Urie replied " Perhaps, updates on the Grimoire." Mage added " Or maybe he wanted to discuss about that chick he's always ranting about." Urie asks " Are you talking about Y/N?" He added " She's an interesting girl. I've never seen anyone with that much passion to protect their siblings." Shiki said " Indeed, it seems that Y/N and Ritsuka have a close bond with each other. In all honesty, I'm quite jealous of their relationship." Mage clicked his tongue in annoyance, Urie spoke " Speaking of which, Y/N recently told me that she found out about our real identities and that we're after the Grimoire."  Mage's eyes widen in shock " What? Are you serious?" Urie nodded as he hummed, Shiki smiled excitedly " Was she afraid? Tell me, did she beg for her life?" Urie shook his head " No, Y/N doesn't seem to mind the fact that we're demons." Mage laughs " Man, she is such a weird chick." Suddenly, they heard the doors opened. They turned their heads to see Rem standing at the doorway. Mage sighed " There you are. Where the hell have you been? Do you know what time it is?" Rem walks over to the front of the table " My apologies, I had some business to attended." He sits at the front of the table " Anyway, let us begin our discussion." 

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