13. rumor has it

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"That's soooo fucked up, man. She went too far this time."

Growing up with Angela's rumors, you had developed extremely good hearing. So, when your classmate Daniel enters the room talking in a half-whispering tone, you perfectly understand everything he says.

What did Angela find to explain Luca's behaviour ? You were dying to know. She was very creative sometimes.

"Hey, (Y/n)." Luca sits back next to you as the break ends, and your art teacher steps in the class, ready to make you do some weird activities as usual.

"Hey." You say, not wanting to ignore him, but careful of the eager eyes that were waiting for you to do something suspect that would confirm whatever Angela's rumor said.

"People are crazy. I was in the toilet, and I heard Jose say you were controlling my mind with your gift. Ridiculous, really."

He goes to laugh, but stops at the serious look you give him. He raises an eyebrow. "Come on. You really think they're gonna believe this ?"

You tilt your head towards your classmates, and Luca catches several inquisitive gazes before the few students that dared to turn in your direction suddenly paid attention to the board, where Mrs. Melendez was furiously drawing a ladybug, for some reason.

"Ah." He lets out. "They're really that dumb then."

"You know," You shrug. "it's nothing compared to some of Angela's stories. Told you it wouldn't be fun being my friend. It's still time to say you've broken free of my spell or something and go back to the others."

He snorts. "No way. I only make friends with people I can trust."

You shake your head in exasperation. "And what tells you you can trust me ?"

He thinks for a second. "It's a feeling, can't really explain it. Ever since I've seen you bawling your eyes out in that forest, I-"

You hit him. Lightly. With a smile, for good measure. "Shut up."

He gives you a playful smirk, before the two of you focus on Mrs. Melendez as she manages to both roast and praise a student's drawing at the same time.


"Hey, wanna go to my house to do the homework ?" Your new friend proposes when the teacher finally dismisses you at the end of the day.

You eye him weirdly. "So that's it. I get why you befriended me, you're actually a murderer."

"That's right." He doesn't miss a beat to answer. "I chose you as my next victim and am currently trying to lure you into my home where I'll happily and peacefully kill you. So, what's your answer ?"

"I'm gonna have to say no, unfortunately. My sister and cousins are probably waiting for me to go home together. But you can always tag along if you really struggle with the homework."

He hesitates for a second. "Uh... Are you sure ? I don't wanna bother them."

"It's fine. I think. Just don't get too close to Carlos, he bites. And Camilo might too if he's hungry, he's unpredictable. Actually, only Mirabel is safe. And that's disputable."

"That's reassuring."

"So ?"

He smiles excitedly. "Let's go."

As you both head towards the door, you hear Angela's voice, purposefully louder amongst the others.

"Poor (Y/n), so desperate for a friend she has to manipulate the new guy."

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