Chapter 83

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The dorm was bustling as Scarabia woke up. Yuu and I were walking Kalim to the lounge after getting him ready for the day.

Azul had gone ahead and was talking to a frazzled Jamil. Kalim greeted everyone, "Good morning! Oh, is the food ready?"

"Wow! Looks delicious!" Grim happily bounced about.

"Floyd seems to be in a very good mood today," Jade observed. "If he's not in a good mood, the food will taste terrible."

"I didn't know Floyd could cook," I blinked my surprise away. "That's very impressive."

"Sea Snake tasted the food for you, Sea Otter! Go ahead and eat!" Floyd cooed.

As everyone ate, the dorm felt livelier. More at ease. "The dorm members seem happy about the change from marching," Yuu pointed out.

"I'm happy about that too," I smiled. Jamil stood off to the side with a tired expression.

After breakfast, it was time for academic studies. Azul was the head of the lesson. He began his lesson faithfully, "First, the most important thing learning ancient magic spells is memorizing vocabulary."

Kalim shifted his head to the side as he admitted, "I'm not ery good at memorization. I get so sleepy."

"I have the perfect study method for you," Azul prefaced like he was in a infomercial. "Walk around the room while reading aloud."

"This is recommended for those who have a hard time concentrating for long periods of time," Jade described.

"I think I can do this too!" Grim jumped up too.

"Alright, let's do it together!" Kalim smiled. Him and Grim began promenading around the dorm. Others joined with their own flashcards. After about an hour, Kalim stretched out, "I feel like I've learned the spells a lot better now."

Jamil was pouting in a corner as we changed tactics. We were out in the yard. The Octavinelle trio were dressed in their gym uniform along with a few Scarabia students. Azul took his place in front to explain, "Moderate exercise is also important for improving brain efficiency. However, it doesn't do any good to push yourself to the point of exhaustion."

"Scrimage games are also good forms of exercise and can also help relieve stress," Jade educated.

"Aha~ I wana go wild!" Floyd was already jumping and running around his brother. "Someone play a game with me!"

"Oh sweet cinnamon rolls..." I sighed.

"Alright, let's split into teams of five and let's start the game!" Kalim yelled across the yard.

"Leafy~! Join my team~!" Floyd was by my side.

"Sure thing-Ah!" before I finished my sentence I was over his shoulder as he ran to the field. "Floyd~!!"

"Ahaha! The scrimmage game was so fun! We got to try out everything we learned!" Kalim panted at the end of the game.

"Yes, Prefect!" Scarabia dorm members called out.

I was on the ground trying to catch my breath. Yuu loomed over me. They laughed as they held out a hand. "Scarabia is starting to perk up a bit now," the smiled.

I nodded. When I got up an irritated Jamil caught my eye. "All but one, hehe."

Lunch was next on the agenda. We were back in the cafeteria, where it all started. "The most important thing for growing young gentlemen like us is, yes, food," Azul chuckled. "With just the right amount of nutrients you need. In addition, it's important to give you stomanch time to settle before your performance in the afternoon."

Jade was setting ingredients out as he added, "Food knowledge and cooking your meals is also an important part of healthy diet."

"Maybe I should try cooking my own meals once in a while?" Kalim suggested. "If I cook food myself, then I don't have to worry about being poisoned."

"No, you'll just hurt yourself again," Jamil shot Kalim down quickly.

"Then, little Sea Otter can help stir the soup," Floyd offered Kalim a wooden spoon.

"Please be sure to keep an eye on the soup to not let it boil over," Jade advised.

Kalim held the spoon tightly, "I got it! Leave it to me!"

"Come along, everyone. Let us prepare a delicious lunch," Jade encouraged.

Yuu and I were chopping vegetables next to each other, when I sent a piece of carrot in their eye. "Gah!" they sounded. "Shots fired!"

"I'm sorry!" I quickly checked on them, trying to hold back laughter.

"Leafy, you're not very good at this," Floyd commented from across the kitchen.

"Shut it, I know!" I yelled back, losing to laughter. "Haha!"

"I though you said you'd make cinnamon rolls with your family?!" Yuu laughed back at me.

"Haha! My job was to put the icing on!" I stated. "Maybe my dad would let me put it in the oven, but only if he was tired!"

We finished cooking without any hassles. Kalim was ecstatic. "I can make soup myself now! Ahaha!"

"You only stirred the pot..." Jamil sighed.

We all were sitting in the lounge. The remains of our lunch sprawled around us. Kalim leaned back with a sigh, "Ah! That was delicious!"

"After having a sufficient meal and rest, taking a light walk will help get your brain going and improve efficiency during your afternoon studies," Azul advised.

"Azul really does know everything! You're amazing!" Kalim complimented. "I've always tried my best, even if I didn't know anything." There was a moment of silence before Kalim went on, "Maybe I've been too hard on the dorm students. Even though I'm a dorm leader in my second year, there is so much I need to learn."

"Everybody makes mistakes," Azul comforted the worried boy. "Vacation is halfway over. Don't worry about the past and just try to fix what you can now."

A Scarabia student spoke up, "I wouldn't mind staying at school if we have awesome training camps like this,"

"That's right!" another agreed. "We can only spend time with you whole we're at school."

"It all just seemed like a bad dream," a third sighed.

Jamil huffed as he began to clean up. Azul was still talking to Kalim. He mentioned, "I see that many of your students are good at astrology and ancient magic spells."

"The Sorcerer of the Desert had succeeded in seeing the future, and it requires both natural energy and artificial machinery. Astrology advanced a lot faster than other magicians let on..." Azul gave an exposition. "It was due to his achievements and pioneering ideas, correct?"

"Heh~ The Great Seven are amazing, after all!" Kalim gushed. Jamil was in the corner, being a little party pooper.

Azul looked at his watch and talked to Jade about what was next in the itinerary. "It's almost 3 o'clock. Let's study a little bit more and then take a break."

"Shall I go prepare some tea?" Jade offered. I tuned in more as I went through my notes.

"No, I will prepare it," Azul said, "since I've got most of my work done."

"I'll help you," Jamil inserted himself with some force. Yuu casually nudged me, and I nodded.

"That would be great. Let's go, Jamil," Azul happily accepted and walked out of the room with the Scarabia vice dorm leader.

Hook, line, and sinker. I chuckled to myself as the plan was going smoothly. Yuu and Grim got up and left the lounge with Jade soon following suit. They were off to do their jobs, so it was time I started mine.

Mother of Pearl: A Floyd Leech x OC FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now