Part one-hundred and five

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Moscow, Russia. May 20th, 2011.
(Chloe's POV)

There was a silence that scared me. Not the normal lights buzzing, feet shuffling, voices whispering, but something different. Something creepy. Something about the silence that hung in the air, was almost foreboding.

I held my ear to the door trying to listen for noise. Any type of sound. But nothing came. It was as if the whole building had been abandoned and they left me.

I sat on my bed, careful not to make a noise as if I was following rule I never agreed to. I pulled my knees up to my chest and leaned my head against the wall. The cement was cold against the back of my head. The cold and the eerie quiet sent a shiver of fear down my back.

The sudden noise of footsteps made me sit up straight with fear shooting through my senses.  The lock on my door clanged and the door opened swiftly. The metal made a loud crack as it hit the cement wall. I cringed at how loud the noise was.

Two men stood outside my room and stared at me. I stood slowly—cautiously—and walked towards them. They parted as I walked in between them and they guided me down the hall.

We were the only ones in the hallway. The only ones making noise. I was sure everyone else was listening to our footsteps. I realized halfway there that I was being taken to the lab.

Why would they be taking me th-oh...

The men held the lab doors open for me and I walked in. There was a man with a...those one eye glasses things?

What are those called?

A group of soldiers, I think, stood around the room, most of them standing by or around a man with a metal arm. He had a black mask over his mouth, and a black vest with lots of straps. He looked like a trapped animal almost.

His hair was long and unruly like it hadn't been cut or even brushed in years. His hair also looked like it was in desperate need of a shower. Honestly, all of him looked like he needed a shower.

I feel bad for him, whoever he is.

"This is her?"  The man with the eyeglass thing asked in perfect French.

Doctor Marzmen. "This is Chloe. She will be a great addition to the assignment. She is small, but do not let that fool you, she is the most powerful project we have." I huffed beside the armed men in agitation at his comment.

Project? I am not a project! Nor am I small, thank you very much!

"Come here, child." The man mentioned to me to move closer but I made no move to get closer to him. Whether it was my self-preservation or my stubbornness, I wasn't sure, but either way, I was jabbed with a gun in the back.

I walked forward toward the man begrudgingly. I stopped at an arm's length from him and he smiled knowingly. "Very trusting I see." He said to Doctor Marzmen with a smile.

"She has a few attitude problems, but nothing I'm not working on getting rid of." I balled up my fists in anger.

"No no, don't worry about that. It makes it more fun." The strange man turned to me. "As for you, I have a special job for you. But first, do you know who I am?"

I looked at him before shaking my head. "No, sir."

"My name is Baron Wolfgang von Strucker, and I have been following you very closely, Chloe." He held his hand out and I shook it cautiously.

"Now, as for your job, I have an assignment for you. You and my friend here will work together. He will protect you until you can complete your assignment. Do you understand?" Strucker asked.

"What am I supposed to do?" I asked casting a look at the man with the metal arm.

"An agent will brief you on your way to your destination." Strucker smiled and motioned ro a man who stepped forward. "This is Agent Garrett. He will take you and the soldier as far as he can, then it will be up to the two of you to finish the mission. Good luck, Chloe. I expect a lot from you"

A man with a receding hairline appeared with a grin on his face that made me sick. "John Garrett. I'll be your backup." I grimaced at him and turned to leave. The two armed guards lead me out of the lab.


"It's imperative that you complete the mission before the target leaves in twenty hours," Garrett said as the jet slowed.

My leg bounced in anxiety and fear. I had never been in the air, or outside really. Most time they moved us around, we were drugged. Being this high above the ground was making me nervous.

The 'soldier' sat opposite me, staring at the ground. He hadn't spoken but silently did as strucker instructed him. His hair fell in his face, obstructing the view of his face.

Or whatever wasn't covered up by the black muzzle mask-looking thing.

The plane seemed to slow and Agent Garrett called, "Drop time. You got twenty hours before extraction." The back of the plane opened and the soldier stood up. He grabbed the bag sitting near him and a gun. I stood and grabbed the backpack next to me and followed him to the edge.

I watched as he strapped on something before moving towards me with one. I panicked and moved away before he stopped. "это парашют." He said. His voice was rough and sounded like he hadn't spoken in years.


He made a noise before speaking in French so I would understand him. "It is parachute." His French was broken and could be better, but understandable.

"Oh." I stepped forward and he strapped the parachute in for me. He was surprisingly gentle for someone with such a scary demeanor.

"We jump now." I grabbed his arm and looked down. I had the immense urge to throw up but stopped myself. I made my legs move and I jumped off of the plane.

I screamed as I plummeted to the ground seemingly speeding up as I fell. I started spinning as I fell, my hair flying everywhere, my arms and legs flinging as I tried to grab at something that I knew wasn't there. I hand grabbed me and I clung to the hard body that stopped me from spinning.

"Pull chord!" A voice screamed in my ear as my arm was moved to a chord. I pulled the chord as instructed and was suddenly suspended in mid-air. I gasped as I was jerked at the parachute opening.

Hey, I updated! Hooray! Anyways, I'm really excited to write the next few chapters. I'm thinking I'll either write it all as one with nothing interrupting the story or I'll intersperse it with other stuff.

Anywho, let me know what you thought, also, GARRETT. I hate him with my whole being. But that's beside the point. I'm excited about this so the next chapter should be soon, so yay!

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