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"Now remember, no running off!" 

The voice from the front of the coach was stern, on account of years of previous experience with Middle Schoolers. Nishikata reached up, putting his hat on as he stepped downwards towards the warm asphalt below. High up above, the sun beat down heavily. The students milled around for a few minutes while the teachers were trying to organize them into their respective groups.

Nishikata was in Group B which was, to his great dismay, the same group as Akari. Takagi-san was in Group D, an unfortunate situation which would give Nishikata less time to implement his plan than he had hoped. With a final count off, the students were finally ushered off out of the blazing sun and into the nice, cool, air-conditioned lobby of the Hostel they would be staying in.

The building was a traditional Japanese building, large and imposing, a far cry from the sleek, modern built housing that most of the students were used to. Takagi looked up in awe. She had researched and written a whole essay about the architecture of traditional Japanese buildings for a project; the thought of being able to stay in such a building excited her massively.

  Finally breaking her gaze from the magnificent building she was now stood in, she looked around, searching for a certain someone. It only took her a few seconds to find him, his ink-black hair standing slightly taller than it had last year. He was stood with his friends, Takao and Kimura, chatting and laughing over some joke Takagi was sure they had told each other a million times over.

Seeing his laugh, she could feel her heart start to beat a little faster and a small smattering of red begin to appear on her face. She loved seeing him like that, nice and happy. However, she felt her heart begin to sink, as she saw her walk around the corner. There she was... Akari. Takagi felt her blood begin to boil. 'How could she show herself after what she did?' Takagi thought to herself.Yet there she was stood, head down, just behind Nishikata's group. Her face was an image of awkwardness. Akari had lost almost all of her friends after the class found out what had happened, which left her with nobody to speak to whilst the kids waited for their teachers to check them all in.                                                                                                                                                                    

Akari wished that her legs would fail and she would sink into the ground... When they had finally made it inside and everybody began to socialize, she had looked around for someone...; anyone to speak to would have done. But, as she thought it would be, everyone had turned from her. No-one in the class wanted to be known as the person who would entertain the 'She-Devil', the nickname she had recently found out after overhearing a conversation in the girls' toilets. Needless to say, she had returned to class with a rather wet face. 

She knew that she was getting what she deserved and yet, this knowledge didn't make it any easier to hear.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 07, 2022 ⏰

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