11. Dolores' secrets

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Anyway, you were still quite upset about Isabela and Dolores knowing about Angela.

You also decided you had enough and that you would start to do something -you weren't sure what yet- against her, and that would start tomorrow at school, with Luca's help or not. He could still change his mind overnight and decide to be a smartass and ghost you, after all. It was perfectly understandable.

"(Y/n)." Dolores suddenly pops up next to you as you reach the market place.

"AAH, FUCK IT- Hi, Dolores." You answer calmly.

She was panting heavily, as if she had ran. Which she did. To talk to you, probably.

"I need to talk to you."


"Is it about a certain conversation you might have eavesdropped on about ten minutes ago ?"

Dolores opens her mouth, ready to lie, before closing it. She squeaks quietly, grabs your hand and pulls you in a less crowded street, to a hidden place where a small fountain flows along beds of wildflowers that grew years ago. It was originally Dolores and Isabela's secret meeting place, when they were kids, but it wasn't that secret as you and Luisa often followed to spy on them -they totally knew, you weren't discreet at all-. Now, it was mainly a memory to Isabela and Luisa, while for you, it was the place you'd find Dolores in when she wasn't anywhere to be found.

You both sit on a small piece of grass amongst the flowers, and you look at her blankly, waiting for her to speak as she seems to struggle to find her words.

"Need any help looking for what to say ? I might have a map somewhere in my mind-"

"That's not funny, (Y/n)." She says softly, as always. Her voice was probably your favorite sound in the house, because it was so rarely heard but oh so delicate. It was also the voice you'd hear comforting you when you made a mistake as a child. It used to be associated with Isabela's, but not anymore.

"Then I'll throw away my hilarious jokes for you, prima. What's the matter ?"

She sighs, making you turn serious for real. "Well, it is about your conversation with Isabela."

You nod.

"I heard she was quite harsh on you."

You nod again.

"I'm sorry I told her, (Y/n), I just couldn't keep this to myself and I didn't know who to tell, obviously not an adult, we both know you don't want to make a mess, and Isabela was worried about you anyway-"

"Well, I think I would have made quite a good interlocutor, considering that I know a lot about the subject, but I don't blame you. I understand I made it difficult for you to ask me about it. Sorry about that."

She looks at you as if you had lost your mind. What she didn't know, of course, was that you never had one, but that was just a tiny detail.

"Don't apologize, (Y/n). You're not at fault here."

"Kind of. You heard Isabela just like I did, and she was right. I'm a coward. If I wasn't, I would have done something to get myself out of this situation."

There's a silence, during which the both of you don't look at each other, too busy staring at a bee who was getting dangerously close to Dolores, well known to be absolutely terrified of those small insects. It goes away anyway, escaping the terrible fate of getting smashed against the floor by the shoe your cousin was quick to take off, improvising a weapon.

"I think you're very brave, on the contrary." Dolores continues, putting her shoe back on. "Staying silent for the family all those years must have been so hard. I don't know how you avoided to spill all of it out for so long."

You snort. "Eh. You get used to it, it becomes your routine, that's when it gets easier to forget that's not how life's supposed to be. Despite the rumors, Angela didn't do much, you know."

"I know... But your classmates did. They treat you as if you don't exist."

"They're just terrified I'll play with their mind." You wave your hands around to emphasize your words.

Dolores sighs. "Still... That's stupid. So what will you do now ?"

"I won't tell the family, if that's what you were hoping."

"Why ?" Her shoulders drop in disappointment.

"I'm lazy. Too many words. I prefer to just not care anymore and see what'll happen. You know, get back at Angela a little."

She gives you an accusing frown, which does not make you feel guilty one second. "I still think you need to tell the family. Your parents, at least."

"What about you ?"

"What about me ?"

"Are you going to tell your parents you're in love with Mariano Guzmán ? Are you ready for another hurricane ?"

She looks at you, flabbergasted. "How did you kno-"

"I have eyes, Dolores. You're not subtle at all. And if you want to hide it and suffer in silence- I assume that's what you're going to do, right ?"

She nods.

"Then you'll have to work on that. Since you don't plan on telling the family either. Or, you could try something on your own like I think I'll do. I don't know, talk to Mariano. Make him want to know you better. At least make him aware of your existence, Dolores."

She shakes her head. "I can't."

"Alright, I respect your choice. And I won't tell anyone about this either. Also, if you need to vent and everything, you can come to me. But you have to keep keeping my secret in exchange. Deal ?"

You extend your hand, which she shakes without hesitation. "Deal. And, (Y/n)..."

"Hmm ?"

"Be careful. Make Angela regret, but don't go too far. You're not the villain of this story. It's time everyone else sees that."


"(Y/n), wanna stay with me and Tonito for the rest of the day ?"

"Why, of course." You gracefully accept Mirabel's proposition and pick up Antonio, who was desperately trying to get you to do this very action so he could wrap his little arms around your neck and kiss your cheek. You giggle at his cuteness. You really needed that after this morning's events. "So, what are we doing ?"

Your sister shrugs as Antonio brings his hand to his chin pensively. You have to tighten your grip around him not to drop him.

"I wanna play our game, please." He demands, and Mirabel's eyes shine.

"Yes ! Please, (Y/n) !"

"Hmm." You fake hesitation as they both give you pleading gazes. "Why not."

They explode in joy, and Mirabel wraps her arms around the both of you and spins you around. They adored that game you started playing with Mirabel when she was ten, where you used your gift to make them 'see' 'hidden' things that didn't truly exist. From that, they had fun inventing stories and acting as the protagonists of the adventures they created themselves.

You set Antonio down and start focusing on your illusions. Soon, a small tiger appears next to your cousin, making him chuckle. It was one of his game companions. The tiger runs around, before heading off towards the door and exiting Casita.

"Quick, Antonio !" Mirabel exclaims. "He must have sensed something !" Of course, she knew nothing of that was real, but she liked to pretend it was. It was like childhood all over again.

She takes his hand and they both run after the illusion, making you smile tenderly as their laughter fills the house with happiness.

You follow them, of course, to keep the illusion going, but also to make sure none of them accidentally bumps into someone, too excited to notice their surroundings.

You had to keep an eye on those two when they played that game. They meant business.

words : 1316

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