09. invisible

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"Wake up. (Y/n), wake up. Wake up !"

You sigh once and for all and finally sit up, glaring at Carlos.

"I appreciate you didn't try to pour a bucket of cold water on me this time, but there are still nicer ways to wake someone up." You say, but he doesn't understand much due to your grogginess causing you to groan more than talk. He gets the idea nonetheless and rolls his eyes.

"Well, we don't have all day. I'm tired of having to fetch you in your room everyday."

"You know damn well you could ask someone else to do it for you. You're just too happy to make me suffer."

He pauses for a second. "True. Anyway, we should probably get going now."

As he quickly escapes your room, you realize he and you had fallen asleep on your couch last night, and that he probably just woke up as well.

"That rascal." You sigh before finally getting up, stretching as you make your way to the door. Casita opens it for you, revealing Félix standing on the other side.

You both freeze, you still mid-stretching and Félix visibly about to knock. Slowly, you wave to him, making him come into action.

"(Y/n), chica, you're up ! I was about to come in, you know, to thank you properly about yesterday. Pepi's much better now, she's been stressed all week and this morning she had stars in her eyes." He makes dramatic gestures, pointing to his eye and wagging his fingers to mimic sparkles. You smile at him and his enthusiasm.

"You're welcome, Tío. I'm happy I could help."

"I hope you didn't catch a cold, staying in the rain with Pepita. Last time, you were quite sick, weren't you ?"

"I feel just fine, Tío, don't worry." You giggle, and Félix looks at you, smiling.

"Aye, my adorable niece ! Aren't you wonderful !" He wraps an arm around you and picks you up slightly, half-carrying you towards the patio, where you usually ate breakfast.

"I sure am, Tío, but I can also walk."

"So do I." Mirabel, who was just passing by and had been picked up by Félix too, adds. "Good morning, (Y/n)."

"Hi, Miraboo. Slept well ?"

"Rather well indeed. I'm all ready for a full day of walking on my own-"

"Alright, alright. You two have grown up and don't need any help anymore. I'm dropping you on the count of three. One..."




"Three !"

He suddenly lets go of the both of you, just like he usually did when you were little. But... You had grown, and the action that made you laugh and at the same time terrified you in the last was now just a fall of a few centimeters. Félix wasn't very tall.

The three of you just stand there, noting the clear difference with the past. Félix nods in acceptance, defeated.

"Félix ! Have you found Antonio yet ?" Pepa shouts from the patio, and your uncle's expression turns anxious.

"Ah ! That's what I was supposed to do."

"He was still in the nursery when I left." Mirabel chuckles, and Félix thanks her before dashing towards it.

You and your sister exchange amused expression, and Mirabel offers you her arm as the both of you walk in the patio and sit next to each other. On the other side of you, Isabela is talking with Dolores.

"Camilo, I see you ! Stop pretending to be Antonio to get seconds !" Pepa pushes her son away from the buffet table, and he quickly turns back into himself.

"Got caught again ?" Mirabel raises an eyebrow as her cousin sits next to her with a sulky face.

"Obviously." He answers, before shooting his snickering twin a death glare. However, he soon find his joyful face back when he takes a bite out of his breakfast.

"Camilo and food, a never ending love story." You comment, making Carlos and Mirabel snort.

"Everyone !" Abuela claps once all the family is gathered around the table. You internally sigh at the thought of another one of her speeches, but she seemed to have other plans for today. "Before we share today's chores, I have an announcement to make."

Oh, something interesting !

"It is my pleasure to announce that the oldest Guzmán, Mariano, has taken an interest in one of our family members."

Well, that didn't concern you. Hopefully so, or else that would be illegal. That only leave two options : it was either Isabela or Dolores, except if Mariano fell in love with your grandmother.

You look at Dolores as her eyes seem to widen from the other side of the table. She unknowingly leans towards Abuela in interest, making you tilt your head. Was Dolores interested in Mariano ?

She was sitting right in front of Isabela, so it was easier for you to see her face. What you saw of Isabela was her hands grasping her chair tightly under the table. She must be nervous.

You turn back to your Abuela as everyone around the table seems happy about the news. Well, Carlos doesn't, but he's never happy anyway.

She walks towards your side of the table, and grabs Isabela's shoulders, smiling widely. "Congratulations, Isabela. The Guzmáns are the perfect family and they'll fit perfectly with the Madrigals."

Isabela tries a smile while you watch the light inside Dolores' eyes disappear. She accepts it quietly, as if she already knew, and goes back to eating, without looking at everyone else.

The family seems happy and congratulates Isabela as well, while you just look back and forth the two cousins, Dolores' fake indifference and Isabela's forced smile.

"Hey, maybe we shouldn't be too quick with that. Isabela and Mariano barely know each ot-"

"It's a great thing for the Encanto !" Abuela interrupts you as if you were never talking.

"Maybe let my sister have a say in th-"

"W-what a delight !" Isabela exclaims, and none of them seem to realize how desperate she seems.

You feel it before it happens. Your gift taking over, just like it often does in those situations. You hate it, how sensitive that makes you feel, but you can't help it. You feel like you don't matter, like you're transparent, and so you become invisible.

Little things like that are usually enough to trigger it. And you feel bad, because it just seems like you need attention. And sometimes they don't notice your sudden disappearance, making it worse and harder for you to come back to your normal state.

That was the only thing about your gift you couldn't control.

You sigh and watch everyone, except Dolores and Carlos -who didn't care at all-, celebrate the great news, waiting for the feeling to go away.

"(Y/n) ?"

That was a good solution, too. Mirabel calling your name immediately made you come back to normal.

"Yes, hermana ?" You suddenly appear in front of her, making her jump.

"It happened again ?" She whispers, and you nod, but keep a smile on. She didn't know exactly what happened in those moments, but she knew what triggered it. She sometimes felt the same, and you both made sure this would happen the least possible to each other.

"Thanks." You squeeze her hand under the table and go back to listening to your Abuela's rambling.

But you'll have to talk to Dolores and Isabela for sure.

words : 1231

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