08. clear skies in black and white

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"(Y/N) !"

Casita shots the door open and pushes you inside, right into a very distressed Félix. The threatening sound of thunder is enough for you to understand, and you simply nod, motioning for your uncle to bring you to his wife.

He gently grabs your forearm to pull you behind him to the living room, where Pepa is sitting on the couch, surrounded by Camilo, Dolores and Abuela, whose constant blabbering about her daughter's cloud wasn't helping.

"Clear skies, clear skies, clear skies..."

"Come on, mamí, deep breath in, deep breath out..."

"Pepa, look at your cloud !"

"Don't cry, mom, it's okay... (Y/n)'s here."

They all turn towards you, except Pepa, who was trying her very best not to explode, stressfully clenching Camilo's hand in hers and unknowingly hurting him, as betrayed by his pained face.

Abuela grabs your shoulders. "You have to calm her down, (Y/n). Take her to-"

"The cornfields. As usual, Abuela."

Not like it never happened before. You often used your gift to make Pepa calm down in emergency situations. You took your grandmother's hands off your shoulder as politely and quickly as possible and made your way to Pepa, who immediately let go of Camilo's hand to take yours. She knew you were the most capable to help her at the moment.

"What's happening ?" Your mother, who had followed behind, asks, the basket you had dropped in the heat of the momentin hands.

"Tía, what happened ?" You echo, reassuringly stroking her hands.

"The hero of her romance book died." Dolores murmurs. "I think she just needs to cry."

"Alright." You focus on Pepa, only Pepa, and create the happiest illusion you can think of. First of all, her ideal surroundings, a sunny afternoon and, of course, clear skies.

You delicately pull her up, still holding her hands, as she looks at the small figures that magically appeared behind you.

Small Dolores walking up to younger Pepa and handing her a drawing for her birthday. You remembered that day pretty well, so there were lots of details on the sheet of paper : Casita, Dolores, Pepa and Félix. At the corner of the drawing, quickly drawn, as if in a rush, two minuscule shapes : the twins.

Pepa smiles at the memory you just showed her, and her grip on your hand slightly lessens. You tighten yours, on the contrary, as you gently pull her outside with you, towards the cornfields.

"Remember that day, Tía ? You couldn't stop laughing at how she drew the twins, and Dolores got upset."

"Yes..." She giggles, but the grey cloud above her head still follows threateningly. She couldn't see it, though, because of the illusion of a clear sky you had created. It helped her relax and stop caring about not causing a hurricane. "She was so cute back then. And the twins were just babies." She squeezes your hand as she remembers.

You change the illusion, instead remembering Camilo and Carlos' first prank on Félix, which somehow ended up in the three of them covered in paint. Pepa laughs as the three of them take the same angry expression, the twins already liking to impersonate people before getting their gift.

Next is Antonio, who challenges his mother to a game of tag. You and Pepa exchange playful gazes, despite you knowing it wasn't real. And, deep down, Pepa also knew, but she was so desperate to find something to distract her mind that she believed it without second thought.

So there you were, hand in hand with your aunt, running after an illusion of Antonio, towards the cornfields, laughing like mad women. The cloud over Pepa's head followed still, but it wasn't as threatening.

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