03. bad omen

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"This is a disaster."

"Calm down, mamá. It's going to be okay-"

"No, it's not ! Mirabel has no gift. What are we going to do if the magic doesn't work anymore ?"

You decide to leave the living room, in which you had been spying in your invisible state and head to the nursery, where Mirabel did not let anyone enter after her gift ceremony ended in an embarrassed rush. It was easy to not be seen when all you had to do is imagine being transparent. Sometimes, you only had to feel ignored, and you would unknowingly lose control and become invisible to everyone, even yourself.

"Miraboo." You knock on the door shyly, wanting nothing but to comfort her. Of course, your parents had already tried, and talked to her through the door, but they gave up thinking maybe she needed some time alone as Casita wouldn't let them in. And as she didn't respond, you thought it was the case and started to walk to your room.

"Wait !" A hushed voice makes you stop in your tracks. There, in the gap of the slightly opened door, stood small Mirabel, eyes puffed and red from tears. You're quick to enter the room and hug her tightly, closing the door behind the two of you so that nobody could see. Your little sister wraps her arms around your neck as you carry her to sit on her bed. She's still crying, you can hear it from her light sniffles and quiet sobs. You stroke her hair, not letting go of her.

After a while, she speaks. "(Y/n) ?"

"Yes ?"

"Can you make me think I'm special ?"

"What do you mean, Miraboo ? You're special."

"No, I don't have a gift. Can you make an illusion where I have one ? I want to be special."

You were seven years old. You had no idea how to talk to her, how to make her feel better about not having a gift. So you did as asked. She pulled away a bit when her hands started glowing, and hundreds of small lights followed her fingers' movements. The warm light enlightened your faces, and her teary eyes glistened, making you pinch her cheeks to discreetly wipe the tears. She giggles, mesmerized by the flux of lights she could easily manipulate by moving her hands around.

"That's so pretty. I wish I had a gift like you."

You give her a small smile, not knowing what to respond. You felt like crying for her, and out of the fear something was wrong with the magic. Deep down, you really wanted the problem to be Mirabel, despite being sorry for her, because if you lost your gift, who would look at you ? You were always home alone anyway, even though you had way more control over your gift than before, so if you lost your powers, how would the kids at school react ? They liked you because playing with you was fun. Surely they wouldn't like you without your gift, they'd notice how boring you are.

The only person you knew would never leave your side was Bruno.

A shy knock on the door made the both of you jump out of your trances, yours caused by your train of thoughts and Mirabel's by your illusion.

"Come in." Your sister says sadly when the flux of light fades away, and the door quietly opens to reveal Dolores peeking in carefully, two sad-looking twins holding her skirt and followed by Isabela and Luisa.

No word was spoken, they slowly sat around the both of you and engulfed Mirabel in a warm hug, in which she could cry all she wanted.

That night was when you realized you could help people feel better with your gift. Not necessarily the same way you did with Mirabel, but maybe by creating an illusion that would soothe people. Nothing complicated, just making the light slightly brighter for Abuela, or toning people's voices a little bit for Dolores. Even though that wasn't the reality, they felt like it. And you liked the idea of your gift being helpful, even though they never really noticed you did it.

To them, it was a mystery, how they would suddenly feel better when spending time with you.


"If you leave this house, you are dead to me !"

"I wish I was dead !"

The silence that followed Bruno's exclamation almost made you scared they would hear your heavy breathing. But you could control your invisibility more than anything else. It was easy, because you sometimes felt like you didn't exist.

This was not long after Mirabel's gift ceremony. You had just wanted a midnight snack, something that became a habit after the first time Bruno and you had snuck into the kitchen to steal some food one night. But you heard voices in the living room, so of course you had to eavesdrop. Abuela and Bruno seemed to be fighting, and it was the first time you heard your uncle raise his voice.

Did Bruno really wish he was dead ? But he seemed so happy every time you two spent time together. What you understood, however, was that he wanted to leave. He wanted to leave you.

So when he stormed out the room, you followed him to the front door and appeared behind him. "Tío !"

He stops in his tracks, frozen. As if hearing your voice had wounded him. Slowly, he turns around, a fake and nervous smile making its way to his lips. It is too dark for you to see his eyes glisten with tears as he kneels before you and grabs your shoulders. "Hola, niña. It's very late, you should go back to bed."

"Tío, are you leaving ? Where are you going ? When will you be back ?"

He looked over your shoulder, to your Abuela who was watching the scene unfold with a cold glare, and his expression hardened. His grip on you also tightened. "I don't know, (Y/n). I... just need to leave for now. Don't be too sad, okay ?"

"But if you leave, I'll be alone to watch the silent movies. It'll get boring without you. Can I come along ?"

He giggles bitterly. "No, niña, I'm afraid you can't. I'm sorry. Goodbye." He hugs you tightly, and you feel he's trembling against you. Maybe he was crying, you wouldn't remember properly after. "I love you." He whispers, before giving one last, cold look to his mother and exiting the house.

You stand there, at the verge of tears, when Abuela's hand suddenly grabs your shoulder. You don't dare to divert your gaze from the door, because if you did, it would mean Bruno really did leave; and that would make you cry.

"(Y/n), listen to me." Her voice was quiet, and you couldn't tell if it was sad or angry. Probably both. "Don't tell anyone about what happened. We shall never talk about Bruno again. Do you hear me ?"

"Yes, Abuela." A tear finally escapes your eye, and you turn to look at her serious face.

"Repeat after me, mija. We don't talk about Bruno."

"We don't talk about Bruno."

words : 1193

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