Part one-hundred and two

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(Chloe's POV)

"Is it possible for you to do that?" Steve asked me as we changed course.

"To hide an entire jet? I don't know. I've been messing around and trying to hide myself, but I've never done it with anything bigger than me, Steve." I rubbed my forehead.

I had practiced melting my body into shadows and hiding, and after a few tries, I could do it, but a whole jet? It was like he wanted me to perform a miracle. I had a hard enough time blending myself into the shadows in a dark room. There was no way I would be able to do it in broad daylight.

"But can you do it?" Steve asked again.

I took a deep breath and sighed. "Yes," I said more confidently than I felt. "I can do it. But it might take me a few tries to get it to actually work, but yes, I think I can."

"Steve, don't push her." Mom told him sternly.

"I believe in her, she can do it." Steve gestured.

"If you need help, I'll do my best to give it." Wanda smiled.

"Are we still dropping you off in Scotland?" Sam asked Wanda from the front of the Quinjet.

"Yeah. I don't think they would be very appreciative of me coming." Wanda smiled but there was something sad behind it.

"You know that wasn't your fault and they don't blame you at all." I reassured her.

"Still." Wanda shrugged.

"Alright, well if Chloe can get the cover up we'll be there in a few hours," Sam said. I rolled my eyes but didn't say anything.

I sat on the floor of the jet and relaxed my body. This was going to be harder than I thought, I could just tell. "See if you can fly under a cloud or something, that way I have something to start with," I called as I placed my hands on the ground.

"Gotcha," Sam responded from the cockpit.

I could feel the vibrations from the engine shake my bones. I reached out looking for any shadows to grip on to. After about two minutes I sensed us go through a shadow.

I pushed the shadow into the jet. Spreading it over the metal and into all the cracks and crevices. I altered the shadow, making it translucent almost. I groaned from the effort of covering something so big. I forced the shadow to stay even after the jet left where the shadow was.

"Reste en place!" I said to the shadow annoyed at it. "Reste ici!"

I groaned again but was satisfied that the shadow had covered the entire jet. As far as I could tell, it had worked. To anyone outside, there was nothing in the sky. We were hidden in plain sight.

"Did you do it?" Mom asked kneeling next to me.

"Mmhm." I hummed, focused on making the effect last.

"We are invisible ladies and gentleman," Sam said almost to himself.


Wanda sat on the floor with me and quickly looked through her bag. "So... what's in Scotland anyway?" I asked through gritted teeth. The shadow I was using refused to stay itself so I had to hold it in place.

"What?" She looked up shocked.

"What's in Scotland that you want to see anyways. I mean honestly, I want to go too so I don't blame you, but why Scotland?"

"I-I don't know." She stuttered going back to her bags. I squinted at her.

"You're a terrible liar." I told her lowering my tone. "You wanna look at a person when lying. It creates a semblance of honesty."

Wanda stared at me in shock but nodded her head. "Who is it?" I asked with a smirk.

"I don't know what you mean." Wanda didn't look at me.

"The only reason you'd want to go to Scotland is if you're meeting someone," I grunted. "So who is it?"

Wanda glanced at me then looked away, but that was all I needed. I laughed at the absurdity of the notion. "It's Vision, isn't it? Isn't it, Wanda?"

"Please don't tell anyone." She begged.

"Wanda, he's a synthetic android. I'm sure Tony has a tracker on him. He'd be stupid not to. And now you want to go gallivanting off with him?"

"I know, I know. Just...please just don't say anything." Wanda looked like she might cry.

I groaned in both irritation and pain. "Fine. I won't say anything. But I'm not going to tell them they're wrong if they guess. You're being stupid and reckless, you know that, right?"

"I know." She smiled softly.

"Fine. But it's your funeral if Mom and Dad find out." I nodded my head in the direction of Mom and Steve.

"Thank you, Chloe."

"Don't thank me. Like I said, your funeral if they find out." Wanda smiled regardless of my comment. She was a grown woman, and if she wanted to go and potentially get herself thrown in the Raft again, then that was her decision.

Didn't mean I didn't feel bad though.

Soon the jet landed and I dropped the shadow, letting it snap back to where it came from. I felt like I had a weight lifted off my body. I collapsed onto the floor of the Quinjet in contentment. "Oh, thank God." I laughed happily.

"You okay?" Mom asked looking down at me.

"Never better. But if I have to do that again, I'm gonna need a bit."

"Don't worry, we need to get some fuel before we go anywhere else so you can take a nice little nap if you need." She reached her hand down.

"I will gladly take that nap." I smiled grabbing her hand and pulled myself up.

"You do that." Mom kissed the top of my head and went to talk to Sam. Wanda looked at me with a 'please-don't-tell-them' look. I nodded but said nothing.

I just really needed that nap. Or else I might die if I try to do the thing again. And I really didn't need to do that.

So nap it is.

Yay! A new chapter. This one is really just another filler. Also, I was like a quarter through this when I realized that Quinjets had cloaking abilities, but for my sanity, I did not change it. Also for narrative reasons, so, yeah.

Anyways, hoped you enjoyed it. Let me know what you guys think. I always love getting your comments.

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