Chapter 48: Mr. Smee

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"Mr. Smee, what are we going to do with this child?" A young man in a lab coat asked. "The child is premature to be our specimen."

"Then let's wait until he's mature enough."

"But Mr. Ratri's instruction..."

"No need to worry about him, that man is only throwing a tantrum," Smee replied with a cold sneer. "He is always like that since we were a child," Smee mumbled before glancing at baby Eliot who was sleeping.

"It seems like you're one of Mr. Ratri's closest friends, I'm kind of jealous," The young man mumbled before scratching his head. 

Smee suddenly remembered the first time that he met Peter. He was 12 years old when James Ratri decided to adopt him and changed his name.

He met Peter who immediately befriended him, Peter seemed like a normal child who likes to play, cling with his brother, and study with Smee. But Smee knows how twisted Peter Ratri was ever since he was a child.

He thought that Peter would change if grows up, but this thought suddenly change when Smee received the news that Peter killed his own brother. 

Peter Ratri came to Smee crying at that day.

'If brother James didn't refuse to cooperate with me, this will never happen.'

'What have you done?' Smee asked in terror. 'Where's James?'

Peter laughed as he shook his head. 'You aren't like Brother James, right?'

'Are you on my side, Smee? or should I call you---'

"You won't be if you knew," Smee replied to young scientist. "You are too naive."


"Nevermind, stay here and keep an eye on Eliot, if someone dared to get him or do something on him, tell them that this child is under my protection," Smee replied to him as he fixed his eyeglasses. "I'll go to conduct some interview with our test subject."

"Yes! Sir!"

Smee nodded his head as walked towards the door. As he walked to the corridors of the laboratory, many scientist greeted him but he decided to ignore them.

When Peter took place as the 36th headmaster of the clan, he placed him to Lambda 7214 as a scientist who works on experiments to create a higher quality of human livestock for the demons.

He hated this job, he hates what he's doing, and to amend for his own sins he decided to inherit James Ratri's will and he help some children to escape from this hell.

Smee stopped walking in front of a young man who had a bald hair, the scientist sat in front of that man as he crossed his legs. His cold appearance suddenly changed when he saw a chessboard on the table between them.

The young man clenched his fist as he trembled in front of Smee. 

"Don't worry, we won't conduct a test on you today. I'm just here for an interview," Smee assured him.

The young man relaxed as he took a deep breath.

"What interview?" he asked.

"Actually, interview is just an excuse, I just wanted to play with you," Smee told him with a smile on his face. "It's been a while since I played chess with someone, would you like to play with me?"

"You're really different from the other adults in this place," The young man named Vincent, one of the test subjects in Lambda, commented on Smee. "Shall I arrange the chessboard?"

Smee raised his hand as he shook his head.

Vincent gave him a confused look as he placed both of his hand on his lap.

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