chapter twenty five

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We all changed into the suits and got in the jet. It was bigger than it actually looked. There were many seats and we all could easily sit without any complications.

Peter sat down and pointed at the seat next to him. I took it. He smiled. Raven sat opposite to me. Next to her were Scott and the girl. Jean, by the way. Kurt sat on Peters left.

Hank flied this thing and Moira sat right next to him. Then Hank started the jet. I've never been a huge fan of planes. They were okay but the start was always pretty shitty.

Apparently Peter felt the same way cause he immediately took my hand after the plane started. I smiled and hold it tight.

We both kept eye contact. He smiled, too.
I know it's not quite the usual way to react to such a situation, but I was confused.

Not because he was holding my hand. And not because I just blasted a house and now I was sitting in a jet to go fighting for humanity, even if that reason would make kinda sense.

I looked at Peter and was confused because I thought that there was a time where I didn't like him. Not a bit. I thought he was the shittiest person I had ever met.

Now I couldn't imagine hating him. I could never. Even if he's a total dork. Peter was my life. My heart. Without him, I'd be broken. I couldn't be saved in any way.
I loved him.

As if he had read my mind, he leaned over to me and kissed me long and passionately. The others seemed kinda annoyed by us I guess. But I didn't care. The only thing I cared about in this moment was Peter.

"Take a room.", Scott said after we were kissing for quite a time. "We already did.", Peter said, looked at me briefly and smirked at Scott. I smirked at Peter then I briefly looked at Scott.

He shut up about us after that. I leaned my head against his shoulder. Then he rummaged in his pocket. He took out two chewing gums. One he gave me, the other one he took himself. I smiled.

"Were you scared?", Jean suddenly asked Raven, "That day in DC, were you scared?"

"No.", Raven answered cold. "But I was scared on my first mission.", she added after a while, "I was on a plane like this with my friends. About your age... We called ourselves the X-Men."

Peter smiled briefly. "Your brother was there.", Raven continued, "we used to call him Havok." Then she said something I couldn't really understand.

"What happened to the rest of the kids who went with you? The X-Men.", Kurt asked with his accent. Ravens slight smile turned into a serious face.

"Hank and I are the only ones left.", she said, "I couldn't save the rest of them. I told you I'm not a hero."

"Well you're a hero to us.", Jean said, "seeing you that day on TV.. changed my life."
"Mine, too.", Kurt said.

"Mine, too...", Peter said. I immediately looked at him after he started talking. "I mean I still live in my moms basement but, you know...", he said, "Everything else is uh... oh it's pretty much the same.", he chuckled then he continued, "I'm a total loser."

We all laughed. "Still wondering how I got you to love me...", Peter said to me. But not as loud as he talked before. I blushed. He knew I loved him. Well, that was kinda obvious after like the third time we were making out.

I smiled, "hey, you know that I'm not serious when I call you loser, right?" "Oh yeah, I do. You're to much in love with me to really think that way.", Peter said. I chuckled.

After a while we reached the place where we wanted to get to I guess. It looked like a huge hurricane. Hank flew right through it.

I couldn't see much from where I sat, but I could see pyramids and houses which were slowly dissolving into dust. "Seventh wonder twelve o'clock.", Hank said.

Jean started breathing heavy, "He has the professor in the centrum of the pyramid. He's going to transfer his consciousness into the professor.", she said, "If he does that, he will have the power to control every mind in the world."

Peter held my hand a little tighter than before now. "What the hell is that?", Moira asked after a bit. "It's Erik.", Raven said.

Peter immediately flashed over to Hank to see his dad. My hand felt kinda cold without his holding it.

"You guys help nightcrawler get into the pyramid. Get Charles. I'll take care of Erik.", Raven said.
"How are you gonna get through that?"

"I can get you in there.", Peter said, "I came here for him. Let me help you." Raven nodded. Peter glanced at me and smiled.

"The rest of you.... Get Charles on this plane and get him out of here.", Raven told us. "We're not leaving without you.", Kurt said.

"Don't worry.", Peter started and turned to us all, "We'll catch up." I nodded slightly.
"Hold on.". Hank said.

Then he landed the plane. We all got out. "Hank you go with the kids. Moira will be waiting on the plane." Peter got next to me and took my hand again but briefly.

"Wait.", Scott yelled. We both turned around to him.
"Not all of us can fully control our powers.", he added.

"Then don't.", Raven said, "You need to embrace them... we all do." Then she turned blue again. But this time with full confidence.

Peter spit out his chewing gum. Then he turned to me, "Take care, okay? I love you." My heart pounded faster although he had said this to me several times before. I smiled. Before I could answer he got to Raven and flashed away with her.

Now Hank, Jean, Scott, Kurt and I were on our own.
Not really prepared to use our powers or strong enough but still ready to fight.


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