Part ninety-nine

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Apologies for the end of the chapter. You'll understand when you get there.

Chamonix, France.
(Chloe's POV)

"Where are we exactly?"

Mom looked at the navigation system. "Well, the coordinates that Steve gave me put us in...Chamonix."

I suddenly was thrusted back to before I was rescued. "You mean..."

"Yeah, I think so. I'm not positive about the exact coordinates, but if it's not, it's pretty close." Mom looked at me. "You going to be okay?"

I swallowed thickly. "Yeah. It's not like they're there anymore, right?"

"Right." Mom smiled at me reassuringly.



"Hey, kid. Glad to see you made it out okay." Steve smiled. He looked different. Darker.

"Thanks," I said. "Why are we here?"

We were standing in front of what I remembered to be the building I was held in before the Avengers rescued me. I was focused on keeping my breathing normal so I wouldn't spiral into a panic attack. I felt a hand lay on my shoulder. I looked up at Sam and he smiled comfortingly.

"You good?" He asked gently.

"Mmhm." I hummed.

"You sure?"


"Why are we here Steve?" Mom asked and I could see her look at me from the corner of my eye.

"There was some chatter on the dark web about someone being held here, which makes no sense," Steve explained as I gazed at the building.

"I thought all former Hydra bases were being monitored," Sam said.

"They were before the Avengers imploded," I told him. "Now that the government has taken over all Avenger responsibilities, or so to speak, a lot of stuff has probably been swept under the rug or forgotten. That's the right phrase, right?"

"Yeah." Mom smiled.

I thought so.

"So who's here then?" Wanda asked.

"No idea. That's what we're here to find out." Steve said walking towards the building I used to call home.


I coughed on the dust floating in the air. There was dust and dirt everywhere. A lot different from when I left. It was dark and dingy and a lot of the doors in the hallways were open.

I walked down the hall my eyes flicking back and forth looking for any sign of someone. I was on edge as I walked with Mom behind me. This was the last place I ever wanted to be so my only thought was getting in and out.

The quicker the better.

I stopped at a door halfway through the third hallway Mom and I walked through. Even after almost two years, I still knew which room had been mine. I took a deep breath looking into the dark room. I braced myself on the doorframe as a wave of nausea hit me.



"Are you okay?"

"Yes." I lied.

I walked into the small room trying to stay calm. All the surfaces were covered in a thick layer of dust. I took a deep breath as I walked toward the bed trying not to feel sick.

You're safe. You're safe. You're safe. Don't panic. Breath.

I kneeled in front of the old bed I used to call mine. I stuck my hand under the bed and reached for the box I knew was still under there. My breath hitched as my fingers gripped the small box.

I could feel Mom's eyes on me as I pulled the box out from under the bed. I grabbed the nesting doll and opened it revealing the ring. I hadn't seen these in what felt like forever.

"You still have those?" Mom asked stunned.

"Yeah. It was one of the only things they let me keep. I've had them for as long as I can remember." I murmured.

"I thought they would have taken them from you." Mom said sadly. I didn't say anything in return.

I fought the bile that raised in the back of my throat and the flashbacks that pushed their way to the front of my brain. I wouldn't have a meltdown here. Not where I get all my nightmares from.

"Chloe?" I flinched at the feeling of Mom's hand on my shoulder. She removed her hand but said, "We should get going, we need to keep moving."

"Okay." I nodded.

I followed her numbly down the dark hall. I didn't look at the door leading to Annie's room. I didn't look at Mom. I had calmed myself down. I looked up and my eyes went through the dirty window of the training room. I cursed in French as I felt everything hit me full force.


"Please, please, please come back!" I sobbed. "Come back! Come back, come back, come back!"


"Luke, please come back! I'm sorry!" I screamed. "Bring him back! BRING HIM BACK!"

Hands grabbed me pulling me away. "No, no! NO! Bring him back! Please! I'm sorry! I'm so sorry! I'm sorry, Luke! Please come back! Please, Luke!"

I punched and kicked but the hands never let go. "PLEASE! I'm sorry!" I started hyperventilating, desperate for him. "Luke! LUKE PLEASE! Please come back, Luke! Please! Bring home back! Please!"

I turned towards him, grabbing him. "Bring him back! Bring him back! Do it! BRING HIM BACK! Please! Pleaseeeeee! Please bring him backkk!" I screamed at the top of my lungs, sobbing.

"Get rid of the body."

"NO! No, I won't let you!" I reached for the nearest object and swung.

The arms let go finally.

"Luke, please!" I ran to him. "Please come back! Please come back, baby! Please! I'm sorry, I'm so, so sorry! I love you! Please!!!!"

I clung to him like my life depended on it. He was a that mattered. I wanted him back. I screamed and the world went dark and silent.

"Please...please, Luke! Please come back to me! You can't leave me! You can't leave me all alone! Please! I love you! I love you, please! You have to come back!" I shook him.

He didn't blink.

Didn't move.

Didn't do anything.

"Please!!! Please, Luke! I can't do this by myself! Pleaseseeee!!!!!!" I screamed and sobbed and shook him.

Nothing worked.

He was gone.

He left me.

I'm all alone.

Okay...I'm just going to leave this here. Totally didn't almost cry while writing this. I apologize for any trauma I've caused.

It's like 12 in the morning so I'm going to bed. Again, sorry for the trauma. That was really hard to write.

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