chapter twenty four

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It was the professor. I mean, the voice of the professor. It sounded in my head and on the faces of the others I could tell they could hear him, too.

At first I couldn't understand him but then his voice became clearer and I could tell that he was talking pretty much shit.

"Hear me, inhabitants of this world... This is a message. A message to every man, woman and mutant. You have lost your way. But I have returned.", it started.

"The day of reckoning is here. All your buildings, all of your towers and temples... will fall. And the dawn of a new age will rise. For there is nothing you can do, to stop what is coming. This message is for one reason alone. To tell the strongest among you... those with the greatest power, protect those without." Then Charles' voice disappeared.

Finally it was quiet. Peter immediately got over to me to see if I was okay, meanwhile the others talked about what just happened."I'm fine... it's okay.", I said and hugged him, "You heard that, too, right?"
Peter nodded.

"I know that voice... it's  Xavier, isn't it? what's going on?", Major striker asked. He just came back to the window which was placed like 4 meter higher than us. "We don't know...", Mystique tried to explain.

"We don't know, bro....", Peter yelled up. I glanced at him. He looked pretty cute and what he just said made me giggle a little. Peter turned to me and smiled.

Then Striker got away from the microphone. "That was definitely Charles.", Hank said and looked serious, "something bad is about to happen."

Peter and I looked at each other. His face looked like he tried to say, "wtf" and "everything will be okay, don't worry..." at the same time.

I just shrugged. Then I hugged Peter. He held me close and slightly stroke my hair. He placed his hand at my cheek and pressed my skin slightly up. Then he leaned down and kissed me.

I smiled at him. Peter smiled back. We stare into each other's eyes. I could stare at his forever.

"Hey, Romio and Juliet, get over here...", Raven called us. I blushed slightly and glanced at Peter. He smirked.

"We gotta get out of here."
"My powers are blocked I can't do anything...", I said, "and I wouldn't risk getting burned by one of these lasers spread all over the wall tho."

In that moment a alert started. Some lights behind the window were shining in orange and guards or so started running around.

"Weapon X is loose. I repeat, Weapon X is loose."
"What are they doing?", Moira asked. How are we supposed to know? "What's going on?", Hank asked. Really?

I could see that Striker left the room.
"He's leaving.", I said.
"What?", Raven started, "why?"
It was quiet for a while.

Then suddenly some of the guys up there screamed things like: "hey... stay where you are" 
We heard gunshots.

Then a dead body banged against the window. Moira and Raven gasped. I screamed briefly and got closer to Peter.

He hugged me. Then we all ran right under the window, so, whoever just did this, couldn't see us down here. Peter tried to calm me down.

"I'm fine, idiot...", I said, "you?"
"Yeah... of course I am, dork."
I smiled. He smiled back.

"GUYS!", the others all yelled at us. I blushed. "Sorry.", I said.

Another blue guy appeared on the window. "Kurt?", Hank asked. Kurt tried to talk to us but we could hear him. "What?", we all apart from Peter yelled.

"What?", Peter yelled about 5 seconds later. Kurt pressed the button for the microphone and we could hear him slightly. "Sta- a-ay fro- the do-", he said.

The microphone was broken or something. "The what?", Hank asked. "The doo-", Kurt repeated, "stay a-ay fro- the..." "get away from the door!", Raven said. "The door!", Peter yelled.

We all got away from the door and that Kurt guy continued talking, "on three....", he said. I looked up to him. "One..", he said, "two..." then I think he noticed that he didn't have enough fingers to count.

In that moment the door blasted, so we could go. Two kids, about 16, stood in front of us. "We know where the professor is.", one of them said. "I think we might have a way outa here.", the other said. It was that sunglasses boy from before, who turned out to be named Scott.

"Well, you've been busy.", Raven said. "We had a little help." Peter got out right before me. Then he turned around to see if I was okay or so.

"Let's go!", Scott said. Peter and I started running. I didn't know why, cause like there was no one who tried to hold us here anymore. In that moment kurt appeared in a blue cloud of smoke right in front of us.

"Ah! Jesus!", Peter yelled. "Oh sorry!", Kurt said with a german accent. "This way!", Scott said and pointed to his right.

After a while we got to a room. A jet was placed in the middle of it. "Nice..", Hank said.

"Hey hank, do you think you can fly this thing?"
"Yea, I can figure it out."

I looked at Peter. He was smiling at the jet. Then he glanced back and smiled at me. We kept eye contact for a while.

"Hey guys... flight suits.", Scott said. I looked to my right. A bunch of suits were hanging in a weird container. Now Peter smirked and looked at me. He nodded slightly. I smirked back and hugged him.

"You got your warplane.", Raven said, "let's go to war." Peter and a glanced at each other. We both shrugged. Then he smirked. His arm was placed around my shoulder. He leaned down and kissed me passionately.

Then I leaned my head against his shoulder and sighed, "your dad is probably there...", I said. "Oh, he is.", Raven said, "but not on our side." Peter sighed, too.


A lot of hugs in this chapter tho so wtf is this, actually

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