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Kagome paused her story, her smile flattering as she recalled her last few years with her husband. “As time passed he began to dabble in the darker arts...dark vile magics and curses. It wasn't long until he began making pacts with demons, granted I had one with Satan I wasn't in any place to judge. He promised it wouldn't get out of hand and I had no reason to not trust him.”

She sighed recalling all the red flags she ignored in favor of letting their love blind her. “I was foolish to let my love for him blind no time he had dozens of contacts and began casting spells and curses without me knowing, he began to pull away from me. Instead preferring to consort with his pacts and his experiments.”

Her eyes slid close to stop the sheen of tears from fully forming. She had thought she was over this part of her past but it was clear to her and those in the room that it was still very raw. Shifting she pulled her knees to her chest, resting her chin on them, the blanket billowing around her to make her look smaller.

More vulnerable.

“One night I came home earlier than expected, excited to spend some time with him, he promised we would have a date night...only to find him pinned to the bed by some succubus, lips locked as they sealed their pact.” She shuddered recalling the sight of her husband flat on his back on their shared bed with a short pink haired succubus over him, pinning him down. She hadn't seen her face but she knew that like all demons let alone succubuses she had to be breathtaking. 

“They didn’t notice me, and I’m glad they didn't. I left that night, took off my ring and just left. I told him from the beginning that I would not be used and if he even thought about bedding another to just leave. He promised me there would never be another yet there he was...” She gave a bitter laugh, a lone tear escaping her eyes. She roughly rubbed it away, sniffling as she opened her eyes to gaze at the table, embarrassed to meet the gazes of the males in the room.

“I left, returning to Japan. I made sure to mask my trail, not that he would bother to come look for me...” Huffing she slid her gaze to Satan, a small smile blooming on her lips. “It was around that time that I figured I could try reaching out to Satan, it had been long enough that the younger me had made a pact with him so there wouldn’t be a ‘butterfly effect’ as Solomon called it. He was grumpy at first but eventually he started bugging me daily, with not only requests but just to bug me.”

She laughed as he gave a light huff, turning away from her with a light flush on his cheeks. “Not my fault my brothers get on my nerves.” He ignored the glare from Lucifer and instead gave a small smirk as Kagome playfully rolled her eyes at him.

“Well whatever the reason he started showing up at my apartment and before long we were closer then we had been in the past yet I was still hurt by Solomon’s betrayal so I tried to keep him an arms length away but he can be a stubborn little shit.” She cracked a grin that Satan returned, it made the others in the room fidget. It was clear to see their bond was still there, and it ran deep.

Clearing her throat to get rid of the playful tone, and thus risking another outburst, she shifted so she was sitting crossed legged on the large plush couch, the blanket covering her whole being minus her head. “It was around then that the day I had been waiting for was quickly approaching. I would finally be able to return to my family.”

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