chapter twenty three

626 21 2

*omg the 23 chapters tho......:)*

I fell to the ground. That was the last thing I remember. Then it felt like I was sleeping or dreaming or something. I still could think but I had no clue what was happening.

I mostly thought about Peter. Was he okay? Then I thought about where we were. I realized that we were moving since a while. I just couldn't move my body or open my eyes. Something paralyzed me.

After a while it slightly disappeared and I could move like some of my fingers.

I opened my eyes. Green, bright, light shone into my eyes. The hard ground I was laying at hurt my back and the back of my head. Suddenly someone screamed. It was obviously Peter. I directly recognised that.

I immediately looked up to see if he was okay.
Peter just jumped up and got away from Hank, "What's wrong with you?!", Peter said.

Hank was blue. Just like Mystique a few hours ago or something. "Is this gonna happen to all of us?", Peter added. I smirked slightly. "Not to me... hopefully.", I said. He turned around to me and smiled. Then he knelt down next to me to see if I was okay.

"No. I just... left my meds in the house.", Hank answered Peter. But I think he wasn't listening anymore.

"You okay?", Peter asked me and helped me up.
"Yea... yeah I'm fine... are you?"
"Yeah, me, too..."

"Good...", I said and smiled. So did he. "Glad we're kidnapped together, cause I'd been worrying about you constantly.", he said.

"Yea... but what about your dad..?", I said quietly, so only he could hear, "He's the reason we came here."
"Don't worry. I don't feel like sitting in here the whole day tho." 

"Where are we?", Raven asked.
"Hello Mystique...", a voice suddenly said. It was that guy who got us here, I think. We could see him, standing in front of a glass pane, and looking down to us... save.

"Major Striker....", she said and got closer to the pane. "Colonel Striker.", he corrected her, "I wouldn't get too close to the wall, if I were you."

I looked around. The wall was full of lasers so we couldn't get out... and something in here was blocking my powers. Well, shit...

"It may create some discomfort.", colonel striker added. "I'm Moira Mac Taggert... I'm a senior officer at the CIA.", Moira said. Wait, why is she here?, I thought. "I know you are, Agent Mac Taggert.", Striker said.

"You can not keep me here. In this...", she started.
"Actually I can. A psychic event just destroyed every nuke from here to Moscow. That event emanated from exactly where we found you."

I looked at Peter. We both shrugged. "At the house of the most powerful psychic. So you're going to tell me... where is Charles Xavier?"

God... is this guy never stop talking?!
"It's not him you should be worried about.", Moira started, "there's someone else. Someone more powerful."

"If you let us out of here, we can help you.", Mystique said. "Do you really expect me to believe that? You can put on every face that you want. But I know who you are. What you are.", Striker said.

These words hurt. After that Striker left us alone.
"Moira... what did you mean by there's someone stronger than Charles?", Hank asked her.

I glanced at Peter. He got closer to me. Then he took of his jacket and handed it out to me. I left his old leather jacket, that I used to wear all the time, at his basement. "I know you're cold just put it on.", Peter said.

I smiled, smelled briefly at it, I still liked Peter's smell, and put the jacket on. He hugged me. Then he placed a kiss on my lips. "Ask her...", I said after a while.

The other ones were talking on another corner and kinda left us space. As if it's so bad that we kiss. "What?", Peter asked and glanced down.
"Mystique... ask her bout your dad.", I said.

He nodded and hesitantly got over to her. "You know him? Magneto?", he asked. "I used to. Not so sure anymore.", she answered. "What was he like...? Was he uhhh like they say he was..? Was he uhm the bad guy?"

"No...", she said dreamy, "I mean yea." Peter glanced at me briefly. He looked pretty confused. "He was... Why do you care so much, did you see his speech on tv or something?"

"Yeah but uh. He's my father.", he said. I smiled. I was proud of him. "What?!", mystique said loud. "He and my mom they did it...", he started. Then he briefly tried to symbolize sex with some hand moves. Then he looked at me. I blushed and it kinda felt like everybody realized it.

"No I know...", Mystique interrupted him, "But are you sure?" "Yea... yeah. He left my mom before I was born. I met him 10 years back but I didn't know it's him. By the time I figured it out I was too late. Then this week I saw him on tv again. And.. I came to that house looking for him.... But by the time I got there.. pfff late again.", he said.

"You know for a guy who moves as fast as me, I always seem he too late.", Peter said. Now I felt sad. I wanted to get over to him. Hug him and make him feel better. Don't want him to feel bad anyway.

"Let's hope not this time.", Mystique said.
"Yeah...", he said, "Seriously." I could see the sadness in his eyes. In the moment where I wanted to go over to him, a voice sounded in my head. But so loud that I couldn't hear anything else. It hurt.


this chapter's so lame 😭

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