Chapter 6 - Change of Plans

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"Nishikata-kun, Takagi-san," Alice-chan called their name, causing them to turn around just as they were about to join the others in leaving the stage. "Wait up." She said once she'd caught up.

"Yes?" Takagi questioned.

"Come back. We're handing out the prizes and we have one for the two of you for coming in second."

Nishikata and Takagi shared a surprised look before doing as they were asked.

"Let's hear it for our runners up," The announcer greeted as they reached the front of the stage.

"For coming in second and clearly being a crowd favourite, we'll be awarding you with two complimentary all access passes. Congratulations! You two make a lovely couple."

Nishikata blushed as he accepted the envelope with their prize.

"Thank you," he mumbled shyly.

"Now let's have both couples pose for the camera," the announcer continued. "We want a nice photo for our promo."

Nishikata moved to stand next to Takagi awkwardly.

"Okay guys," the announcer spoke. "Hold your girls close."

Nishikata blushed and looked over at the older couple for guidance. The guy had his arm around the girl's shoulder, and she had hers at his waist.

He looked over at Takagi shyly who was now grinning cheekily.

"C'mon Nishikata," she motioned in a teasing manner. "You gonna hold me close?" She poked him in the ribs for good measure and he jumped.

"Takagi-san," he grumbled at her teasing.

Takagi simply laughed. "We don't want to keep them waiting," she motioned towards the cameramen and bumped her shoulder against Nishikata's. She then wrapped her arm casually around his waist, pulling him in close.

Nishikata gulped and blushed a deep red. Shyly, he reached up and placed a hand hesitantly around Takagi's shoulder. Memories of the night before flashed before him, and he recalled how he'd held her while she napped. He blushed again and forced himself to look up at the camera.

"That's great," one of the cameramen proclaimed. "Looking good. Now smile for the camera."

Once the photos were done, Nishikata quickly let go of Takagi and raced off the stage. Takagi laughed and followed him back to where their friends were waiting.


"You guys looked amazing up there," Hamaguchi exclaimed as Nishikata and Takagi joined up with them.

"So, how long have you been going out for?" He turned to Nishikata and playfully slapped him across the back. "You should've told me you'd confessed. Did you do it on White Day like-,"

Nishikata silenced Hamaguchi before he could continue by covering his mouth and punching him gently on the shoulder.

"I don't know what you're talking about," he said as he let go of Hamaguchi. "We're not a couple."

Hamaguchi laughed. "You could've fooled me."

"Way to go, Nishikata," Nakai interjected. "You made 2nd best couple."

Nishikata sighed. Nakai always seemed to think he was trying to get close to Takagi-san and after their performance on stage he was going to have a hard time convincing him otherwise. Even Hamaguchi thought they were going out now.

Takagi had been listening closely to the conversation and couldn't help but be a little curious about what Hamaguchi was saying.

"Hey Nishikata, what's this about White Day?" She teased. "Were you going to confess?" She joked and poked him in the ribs.

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