Chapter 3 - The Aftermath

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As they boarded the ferry, Nishikata couldn't help but feel a little sad that their date was ending. He had finally given up on calling it an outing – at least in his head. Takagi had created the perfect experience for him, and he felt as if they'd grown a little closer during it as well.

He followed Takagi as she made her way across the deck to the front of the ferry and stopped beside her. He smiled when their eyes met.

"Did you have fun, Nishikata?" Takagi asked, suppressing a shiver. The wind was somewhat stronger up here on deck than below.

"It was incredible," Nishikata replied honestly. "I had so much fun..." He trailed off as Takagi shivered again and wrapped her arms around herself to keep warm.

Since it was now spring, the days had begun to be quite warm, but the nights were still on the colder side.

He took in the sheerness of Takagi's blouse and realised it probably didn't offer much in the way of protection against the wind.

Without a second thought, he reached into his backpack and pulled out his jacket. He draped it over her shoulders wordlessly and looked down shyly. "Here, this should help."

Takagi froze and looked down as well, unwilling to let Nishikata see the effect he had on her. She wrapped the jacket around herself and slid her arms into the sleeves.

"Thanks," she said softly, her breath catching in her throat.

"Mmm," Nishikata acknowledged, his eyes still glued to the floor.

They stood in silence for a while, neither able to speak.

It was Takagi who made the first move. Gingerly, she took a step closer towards Nishikata and allowed her shoulder to press up against his.

Nishikata blushed at the contact.

"I was just thinking," Takagi began softly, her words barely audible. "It would be nice to have a boyfriend who could warm me up right now."

Nishikata's blush deepened. Was she teasing him again? He looked over at Takagi, but she was refusing to make eye contact. He had no idea how to respond. Her voice sounded different than it usually did when she was messing with him.

He continued to look down at her, gathering up the courage to do as she asked. He slowly lifted his right arm upwards, his hand shaking a little as it reached up towards Takagi's shoulder. He was just about to make contact when Takagi startled him.

"Just kidding," she laughed, and flung her head up to meet his gaze.

Nishikata blushed again and quickly withdrew his hand. He took a step back and let out a silent groan. Damn you, Takagi-san.

Takagi's eyes widened as she realised what Nishikata had been about to do. She refused to let him see he'd had an effect on her. Instead, she laughed again and barged her shoulder into his playfully.

"Did you really think I was asking you to hold me?" She teased? "You wanted to play at being my boyfriend again that badly?"

Nishikata turned his head away as his cheeks became an even darker shade of red. "Of course not," he mumbled. "Why would I?"

"Hmmmm?" Takagi continued to tease him mercilessly. She brought her face down close to his and grinned cheekily. "You sure?"

Nishikata turned his head the other way in an attempt to continue avoiding her gaze. "Damn you, Takagi-san," he cursed her name.

Takagi took pity on him and stepped away giggling. "Your reactions are so funny, Nishikata. I just can't help teasing you."

Realising she'd stopped messing with him, he finally allowed himself to meet her gaze again. "But why do it?

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