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Thou Lord: Ugh! I'm so single.

P!ATD: Yeah, it sucks when you actually like someone and are single. Glad Mirio confessed.

Hot Topic: ...You know this really isn't a problem.

Expresso: Yeah, Shoji is like completely in love with you. You could murder someone and he'd see you as a saint.

Thou Lord: I know isn't he the best.

Daddy Issues: You should tell him.

Thou Lord: Funny.

P!ATD: Confessions are scary. That's why I let other's confess to me instead.

Thou Lord:Exactly. Confessions just aren't something I should do.

Expresso: Shoji is currently reading this off my shoulder

P!ATD: Uh oh. I, oh no. I'mma go now.

Hot Topic: This is a really good romance story.

Thou Lord: ...Hi Mezo

Expresso: He told me to say hi back.

Thou Lord: Oh, well. Greetings.

Hot Topic: Me and Momo are now reading this off while eating popcorn. It's entertaining.

P!ATD:I have also arrived with snacks to enjoy this.

Expresso: And Monoma and Shoji are both reading off of my shoulders.

Thou Lord: ...I must sharpen my sword. Farwell mortals.

Hot Topic: And right when the tea was getting hot.

Daddy Issues: I mean, Tokoyami does take his swords vert seriously and would never let one of his swords go dull.

Expresso: True. They're really sharp.

Hot Topic: Who wants to watch a drama movie with me in Momo's room?

Daddy Issues: I'm on my way.

Expresso: Monoma is coming with me to the movie.

P!ATD: Sure...

Thou Lord: Did I hear drama movie? I shall go.

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