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The air in the room seemed to drop a degree making Kagome blink as Diavolo sharply set his glass down making a loud clunk as he did so. Turning concerned blue eyes towards him she frowned as he forced a smile. “Ah, sorry please continue...”

Kagome blinked, she knew something was wrong yet he didn’t want to voice it and she honestly didn’t want to press him, so she let the subject drop as she shifted on the couch, using the small distraction as a chance to take a sip of her tea before continuing her tale.

Diavolo’s mind was already churning, his thoughts racing a mile a minute...there was no way her Solomon was their Solomon...the chances of it were a thousand to one....yet he had a feeling in the very pit of his stomach that nothing was impossible when it came to Kagome.

“Well of course I got spooked, so I excused myself from the party and fled...well turns out he was just as stubborn as me. He took to following me around...of course I asked him to leave me alone. He merely smiled and kept trailing after me. I must admit I was rather mean to him, I didn’t want to form an attachment, what was the point if I was just going to have to watch them wither away and die? It was honestly a very dark time in my life. I bounced around not laying down roots or making real friends. Acquaintances yes, I had them but I never let anyone get too close.”

She paused, closing her eyes, “I wasn’t living, not really...I was just going through the motions of it. Fooling myself into thinking if I just kept to myself I wouldn’t hurt anymore...he must have sensed how lonely I was...he never gave up. Eventually I just grew to accept his company. We became traveling companions. It was then that I learned he was magically gifted and he could sense not only my miko ki but the untapped potential for other magics hiding right under the surface. He was practically giddy at the idea of helping me hone my ‘magical potential’.” 

She gave a small laugh recalling the way he used to prattle on and on about all the things he wanted to teach her, the way his gray eyes would light up as he watched her try the spell or potion he was teaching her at the moment. “Before I knew it, years had passed, and it was one random day that I realized exactly how many years had passed...he should have aged...should have been wrinkled...yet he still looked the same as the night we met and it wasn’t a glamor.”

“Turns out he was like me, stuck in time. Though his curse was due to a potion gone wrong while mine was due to a cursed jewel that had been slighted.” She gave a chuckle, recalling the way her mouth dropped when he merely smiled at her and remarked that it was about time she realized something.

“We were both outcasts of time and thus we grew even closer...we spent hundreds of years together. He taught me many things, magics, runes, potions, and most of all he taught me how to live again. It wasn’t long until he also taught me how to love...we were married in the mid nineteen hundreds and were happy for a long time.” The longing in her voice made all three males squirm, while they knew she wasn’t aware of it, it was obvious that she missed those days and wished to return to her husband.

Diavolo was once again nursing a cup of Demonus, wishing that it would do its job and take away his anger and worry yet he hadn’t consumed nearly enough for it to take hold and he knew Barbatos was keeping a keen eye on him and would cut him off way before he got even close to a buzz.


The word made his skin crawl.

She had been married not once but twice.

It made his inner demon claw to be set free to find these males and tear them apart for daring to claim what was his. It was a stupid feeling, he knew for a fact that her first husband had to be long dead, no half demon could live this long. Add in the fact that they dissolved their marriage long before he met her a few days ago he knew he had nothing to fear from him.

Yet it was her second husband that made him weary...if it was indeed who he thought and feared it was then there would be major problems. So instead of giving voice to his worries, and fears, he would bite his tongue and listen to her the rest of her tale because even if it was their Solomon of whom she spoke they were no longer together and he wanted to know why and what he had to do to keep it that way.

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