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Settling on the large plush couch, her back against one of the armrests she pulled her legs up to rest them over the rest of the couch. It wasn't a very dignified way to relax on the couch but she was tired of sitting up, she’d been doing so for hours. She just wanted to be comfortable since she knew her tale was far from over.

She nearly jumped as Barbatos appeared behind the couch and draped a blanket over her legs. “Ah, thank you...sorry I’m just really stiff.” Barbatos merely gave her a small smile and nod as he moved to stand by Diavolo who had taken the plush chair nearest the couch she laid sprawled out on.

Across from her sat Satan and Lucifer, each in their own plush chairs, cups of tea and demonus in their hands. Of course all three of them looked like fucking models, she was sure she looked as bad as she felt but she mused it really didn’t matter.

No, what mattered was getting everything out in the open. 

Furrowing her eyebrows she tried to recall where she had left off and how to proceed. “The ink wasn’t even dry by the time they sent me back to the human realm, confused, alone, and with nothing but the clothes on my back. I was able to easily track down Lili’s reincarnation. She was a young girl, a teenager maybe a bit older. We easily fell back into our friendship, she often said we had to have been sisters in a past life for us to get along so well and so quickly...she wasn’t entirely wrong.”

A small smile formed on her lips as she talked, her eyes glossed over with the fond memories she was relieving just by speaking of them. “She of course met and fell in love with the reincarnation of the man she had died for...kind of ironic if you think about it. Anyways, it was around this time that I decided to use some of my teachings from the celestial realm. I was able to cast a glamor in order to age myself as Lili did. I spent sixty years with her, watching her raise her children and grandchildren. After she passed away I faked my own death and began wandering once more.” All three men shifted at the thought of her death, whether it be faked or not it didn’t sit well with them.

Kagome continued to speak, her eyes no longer as bright as they had been when speaking of her time with Lili. “I would change my appearance and my age as I wandered, wanting to avoid suspicion, by this time it had to be the late eighteen hundreds, I didn’t want to risk leaving behind a trail. It was around this time that I met a very unusual individual...” She paused, recalling the first time she had met him. 

“I was in England attending a party of socialites, at the time I was pretending to be an heiress to a tea empire, thus I was the novelty of the party. My friends were so very eager to introduce me to every young male bachelor there and that’s when we crossed paths. He saw through my glamor right away.” She laughed lightly, missing the way the males in the room bristled at her previous words, “He introduced himself as Solomon, king of kings, and asked what a miko of my caliber was doing halfway around the world...” 

Of Angels and DemonsTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang