Chapter 80

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That night, they put us in a different room than before. We sat in a circle to converse about our observations for the day. Floyd was sat on my left and Yuu was on my right. I tried to ignore the glares they would send to each other over my head.

"Kalim was in a good mood today," Grim started us off with an oblivious smile.

"Yeah, Kalim seemed like his usual self to me," Azul mentioned with his arms crossed in contemplation.

Grim went on, "When Kalim gets mad, his eyes change and the way he talks gets scary."

Before I could add in my findings, Jade spoke. "Could it be depending on his mood?"

"Actually, I-," I started but was cut short by Floyd.

"What do you mean?" Floyd drawled out.

"Kalim doesn't seem like the type of person to have up and down mood swings like Floyd," Jade explained. I saw Yuu stifle a laugh. Jade continued, "I have a hunch there is some other factor involved in this."

"Me too because-,"

"Jamil said it was because Scarabia didn't do well in the Magift Tournament or during exams," Grim interrupted me.

"Eh? Sea Otter cares about things like that?" Floyd rubbed the back of his head.

"Sea Otter?" Grim looked confused as he tilted his head.

Jade helped to explain his brother's quirk. "He's talking about Kalim. Floyd likes to give people nicknames based on sea creatures. He calls you a Seal because of your plump and adorable silhouette."

"Aww," I tease the grey cat-racoon beast. He was less amused.

"Who you calling 'plump'?" he demanded.

Floyd tapped me on the shoulder to get my attention before cheerfully explaining to me, "I call Kalim a Sea Otter because he's always smiling while playing the drums, like an otter."

"I agree," Azul adjusted his glasses. "He's cheerful all the time so I wouldn't think he'd be the type to get emotionally unstable over poor grades."

"If you stick around a bit longer, you'll definitely see it," Yuu mentioned.

"I think that it's-,"

"I think there is another explanation for this," Azul tapped his chin.

"MAGIC!" I blurted out before anyone else could talk over me again. "I can see traces of magic leaking from his eyes whenever he's acting all weird!"

"Why didn't you mention so sooner?" Grim got indignant with me.

"I told you and Prefect Yuu before, but you were too busy drooling over the food," I snapped back. "And y'all kept talking over me."

"Hm," Azul hummed, "We need to learn more about Kalim to solve this dilemma. Jade, could you please go have a 'talk' with him for a moment?"

"Understood," Jade agreed to his assignment. "Jamil may be a bit difficult but Kalim will be more obedient to have a 'talk' with."

"Then, I'm gonna go play with Sea Snake for the meantime," Floyd slurred out.

"That sounds good. I shall accompany you," Azul said with a sly smile. All three Octavinelle members laughed together.

"These guys," Grim got in Yuu's lap, "they're laughing but their eyes say something else.

"They are going to get us in hot water," Yuu sighed.

"Come play Leady Sea Dragon~" Floyd lifted me up so that I was on my feet.

"W-wait! Hold up!" I tried to slow him down, but he just busted through the door with me being dragged behind him.

Mother of Pearl: A Floyd Leech x OC FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now