chapter twenty two

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Warm but not really bright sun light up the shuttered way we were walking at. The house we were looking for was like one kilometre away from the train station.

I glanced at Peter and watched every single move of him. He got some Twinkies left, probably went one time back to get more and was about to get another out of his pocket.

Peter's and my eyes met and he smiled at me. It felt like no time would have passed by since we got out of the train. We were walking straight to the house without any breaks and if you're on the move with Peter, everything passes fast.

After like 5 minutes we reached the house. The building still looked like it looked ten years back, when Peter and I returned the car. But the surrounding was different. The big gate that stood here, and looked more like a grid, was gone.

The garden of the house looked beautiful, not like it used to be, and students stood all over the campus. But something was wrong. I could sense that. A weird feeling spread out in my stomach.

I looked at Peter. He obviously felt the same. "Huh.....?", he said and looked back at me. I shrugged. He put on his goggles which had been on his forehead the whole time. "Be right back....", he said. Then he was gone.

I blinked like once. Then everything kinda escalated. But in a good way. Kids fell random off trees, some of them in a lake and like every student of the house stood beside me. A dog was eating pizza on the ground. Then the house exploded.

That all happened so fast that I didn't even really realized it. Peter stood in the middle of the crowd. "Wow...", he said and took a deep breath. I smirked slightly.

Then Peter suddenly stood beside me, "hey babe, what's up?", he asked. I suppressed a slight giggle as he called me babe. Then I tried to act serious, "Hey loser...", I said, "don't call me babe."

"Why? I like to call you babe... i think I just discovered a new nickname. So... what's next, babe?"
I groaned and smirked a little, "You wanted to find your dad, didn't you?"

"Duh..", he said unserious, "I just don't know where he is." "How bout asking the professor?"
"Great idea... i think im gonna do that..", he said with a joking voice.

"W-where did you...", a man behind us said to Peter. It took me a while to realise that it was Hank. He looked way older than the last time I saw him...

Hank stopped talking as he recognised it was Peter.
"I was looking for the professor... I thought he lived here.", Peter said and turned around to the house.

It looked way worse than the house I blasted. Hanks face turned serious and he looked to the ground, "They took him...", he said. I glanced at Peter. He shrugged.

Then the crowd around us started to whisper and said things like, "wow...", and, "are you sure"
At first I thought it was because Peter saved us all. But then I realized that Mystique stood in the middle of the crowd. With blue skin.

Ten years ago, she became a hero. Since that I never heard of her again. "They look up to you...", Hank said to her, "right now, they need you."

Peter and I kept eye contact. He looked pretty confused. "That's not what they need...", Raven said and got back into her 'not blue form'.

A yellow car stopped in front of us and some teenagers got out. "What happened?", one of them, with big red sunglasses, said panicked, "Where's Alex?"

No one answered. Neither did I. I didn't even knew who Alex was. "Where is my brother?!", the sunglasses boy said.

"Pretty sure I got everybody.", Peter said and shrugged. Peter looked at Hank. "Alex was closest to the blast....", Hank said. The boy hyperventilated and ran to the few rest of the house.

Peter looked confused and pretty guilty. I immediately hugged him, "It's not your fault.", I said, "It's okay. We were to late." Peter smiled, leaned down and kissed me.

"How about moving into my room, you know, when this whole thing with my dad is over...", he asked. I smiled. He hugged me back, "Or we search for a apartment somewhere, I mean, if you don't wanna live in my moms basement."

"I like your basement...", I said.
Peter smiled, "Me, too."

In that moment helicopters landed in front of us all. Peters face immediately turned serious but confused. Wind blew through my hair and hurt in my eyes and ears, so that I needed to hold up my arms as a protection.

Men got out of the helicopters and walked straight to us. "Hey!", a woman said, "Moira Mac Taggert...CIA... thank god you're here."

A man of them took off his sunglasses.
"WAIT!", Raven suddenly yelled from behind. I looked at Peter, who turned around to her.

Then all I heard was the man, yelling, "Fire!", a loud bang and in the next moment everything turned black. And I fell to the ground.


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