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It was the start of a new day. The weekend felt like it went by in a flash. I haven't really talked to Takagi in long time but this might be the first time in awhile I ever been excited to go to school and be tease by Takagi even though I am a little nervous to talk to her. I do think she has cleaning duty's today so I won't be able to walk with her to school.

I made it to school in record time running alone is way faster than walking with Takagi a little boring though.

I was walking in halls when a boy around up to me.

"Hey your Nishikata right." The boy said nervously.

"Yeah that's me, you need anything."

"By any chance do you know what's Takagi's favorite chocolate is."

"White chocolate" I lied without hesitation.

"Oh really thank you so much" The boy said ecstatic to have his question answered.

I didn't say anything back and left.

Reaching class I quickly took a seat before the bell rang. I hope that kid isn't planning on confessing to Takagi. I also hope he doesn't find out that I lied to him. I turn to look at Takagi who was sitting beside me. She had an adorable smile on her face.

"Hey Nishikata, about our project can we do it today at your house."

"uhh... yeah sure."

"Quiet down everyone." Said the teacher who was about to make an announcement. "As you all know the cultural festival is coming up, so we need volunteers to help set up."

I wonder if Takagi is planning on going with someone. Should I ask her if she would want go with me. I mean she seem really happy when I invited her to the firework festival. I should focus on class then worry about Takagi later. Just thinking about her put me on edge.

Class felt like it went on for an eternity. Each second before the bell only made me more anxious.

"Your acting a little weird today Nishikata" Takagi said in a worried tone.

"A-am I" Of course I am, I can barely look at you let alone be teased by you.

"You know if anything's ever bothering you can always tell me."

"I'll keep that in mind."

Lunch eventually rolled around and I sat in my usual spot near my friends.

"So what are you guys gonna be doing for at cultural festival" Takao said trying to start a conversation

"Nothing much." responded Hammagchi who staring off to the side at Houjou.

"Same here." I said

"I'm gonna keep my title." Kimura stated enthusiastically.

We all instantly looked at Kimura asked the same question "what title?"

"You're all looking at the champion of the Cultural festival food competition."

"Oh yeah you did win that thing." Said Hamaguchi.

"It wasn't really a competition since no one was even close to beating you" I said while eating my lunch.

We ended up having whole conversation about food after that but I couldn't really complain besides Kimura I probably contributed the most to the conversation. Towards the end of lunch I left my friends to go to the bathroom.

Before reaching the bathroom I heard a familiar trio walking down the halls.

"Hey have you heard of the rumor going around about Takagi." Yukari said as they walked down the hall.

"Yeah, but I don't really find it that important." Sanae responded seeming uninterested in the conversation.

"I don't mean to eavesdrop on your conversation but what rumor." I asked

"Oh Nishikata is it true that Takagi has a boyfriend." Mina said before getting her mouth covered by Yukari.

"Don't tell him that" Yukari whispered into Mina's ear. "It's nothing just some dumb rumor." Yukari tried to reassure Nishikata. "Anyways we're leaving now." She said while dragging both Mina and Sanae out of there.

"..... Takagi's boyfriend"

Chapter 11
Yeah, I don't really have anything to say in the end of this chapter so I guess I'll see you guys next year when the next chapter releases.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 30, 2022 ⏰

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