First Date

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Camilo was restless. He'd planned this entire day out. If everything went right, well, he'd fell like he was on top of the world.

Again, he'd gone to his cousin for help. With it being their first date together, Camilo wanted it to be special. However, he wasn't expecting his Abuela to give him the little box that sat snugly in his pocket.

"Abuela, I can't--"

"You can and you will," she said with a firm yet gentle smile, leaving no room for arguments.

Readjusting the bag that was slung over his shoulder, he grinned when he caught sight of the Sanchez household. He was going to spend some much needed time with his girlfriend. No parties, no construction, no interruptions. Just the two of them.

He was about to knock, but the door opened just as he raised his hand. Laughter was heard and then a head of black hair appeared. Not looking wear they were going, the figure bumped right into him.

"Oh, hey Cam," Olivia smiled, righting herself before lightly punching his shoulder.

"What are you doing here?"

"Hanging with Abbi. Did you know she can play the piano?!"

"Uh, yeah. Tio Agustin taught her."

The girl put a hand to her chest, feigning a shock. "And you never told us? The betral."

Camilo crossed his arms and raised an eyebrow. "You done? I kinda have a date planned and you're blocking Mariposa from the door."

She turned around and indeed Abbi was directly behind her. With a sheepish smile she stepped aside, allowing the couple a second of embrace. Abbi then gave Olivia a hug.

"Will you come by again?"

"Sure thing. You need to get out more, anyway."

"Huh. Mira's said the same thing." The girls giggled and Olivia waved good-bye. Camilo only smiled at his girlfriend.

"¿Estas lista?"

Abbi nodded. "Where are we going?"

"If I told you, it wouldn't be a surprise, would it? Besides, I've.........never been there before, " he said, holding his arm out for her.

"Then how do you know where to go?"

"Are you underestimating my directional skills?"

"...........Maybe." He rolled his eyes at her.

"It's not that far from town." He felt the grip she had on his arm tighten. "What's the matter?"

"I've never been out of town before."

"¿Seriamente? I thought, ya know, with your dad going in and out all the time, he would've taken you with him at least once."

"He wanted me to go with him. I was just always to scared to leave home. It's safe here."

"Well, if anything does scare you, just say so, and we'll turn right back." He really hoped they wouldn't have to, though. It's like Olivia said before, he was a hopeless romantic. Sure, he'd probably find another way to do this, but it was already stressful enough just trying to keep his cool.

The brunette hesitated before saying, "I think I'll be ok. As long as you're with me."

"Always," he said and kissed her temple.

That simple kiss set the butterflies in her stomach loose again. Camilo had always had that effect on her. One little compliment or kind gesture and she was on cloud nine. Lately though, something was different. Something had changed.

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