Chapter 11

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Chapter 11: Cherry Blossoms

Since the day the pair become fiancees, things between them are bound to become chaotic.

It was understatement if you claim their relationship as a love-hate relationship since the only the other hates it, nor you can call their relationship as one sided since both individuals knows deep inside what they felt towards one another.

Their love didn't end, it was hidden and is bound to always remain undetected if no one between the pair decided to step forward and take a chance to renew their nonexistent relationship.

Laticia stared at the boy standing not far away from her and smiled affectionately before going back to its usual stiffness and practiced smile. 

Laticia silently frowned mentally when the prophecy her tio bruno said towards her when she asked him to see her future with the male. and the other was right, They were promised yet she can't reach him.

Just like they said: Near yet far.

Laticia didn't know what she did that made the male hate her. Her abuela said as long as she smiles everyone will like her, but why isn't it working?

The poeple in the town felt uncomfortable looking at her, they feel displease talking to her, one even said she was mocking them with her smile, her abuela still has that stern indifference on her face, and now Leo hated seeing her.

Laticia's hand tremble and her smile threatened to fell, she immediately composed her self and ignored the stinging burn on her eyes. Once again, her smile widened.

'Why is she smiling that wide?'

'Actually she really looks pretty when she smiles but it's getting creepy.'

'It's better if she smiles, what if she'll look ugly if she frown? After all she looks really creepy  when smiling, I don't wanna see it when she frowns.'

'Do you think she's smiling because she have a gift and her twin doesn't making her feel special?'

'hmpp, If she wasn't a madrigal I don't think someone would even smile at her.'

Laticia turns around and saw the people smiling at her while the others were nodding at her as a greeting. Laticia smiled softly before going back to what she was doing, fully aware of the dropping smiles of the people behind her.

Leo watch her fiance and frowned at the people around them when he saw some where whispering behind the girl's back, he glared at them causing them to immediately left.

Laticia who noticed this couldn't help but smile more genuinely, and held both of her flaming cheeks.

Leo didn't understand why someone could become so clueless with the other's malicious stared. and more importantly, he didn't understand why someone could remain naive to everything.

but he was proven wrong when the day of Antonio's gift ceremony arrived. 

The first time did nothing to aroused her suspicion but it did stirred something inside him. 

Why would Laticia runaway from him? He knows that despite his animosity towards her, he knew that the girl didn't take it seriously, He knew she wouldn't leave him. After all, Laticia is optimistic at everything, she's always happy and would always go along with whatever her family put her into.

Perhaps Mirabel just simply said it to distract the kids? Maybe. But the though of Laticia saying that she wanted to runaway from him made him feel uncomfortable.

Everything change when he heard her seeing her heart out outside the Casa Madrigal.

Leo never thought that he would see it again, the girl who he first met, the girl who was full of envy, arrogance, sadness, and hopeful, the girl who was full of emotions. Compared to the Laticia he saw lately, Leo can see a more alive Laticia.

And once again he could feel it, the rapid beating of his heart.

Since that night, the boy's eye would unconsciously follow her every move, notice every unnatural movements on her expression and behavior, the longing stare she subconsciously sent towards him would never fail to make his heart skip a beat, her touch that would always linger on his skin would warm and will always leave him unsatisfied, and hungry.

He wanted more of it, he wanted more of her.

Fake happy, that's what she always does. Now he knows where it all started, he now knows rope he has to hold to gain courage.

He took a step forward, took hold of her hand once again, appreciative her presence more, Leo gained courage.

"Your smiles are irritating, annoying, and disgusting. But your genuine smile..."

Her smiles that would always overlapped with the others, Leo doesn't want to see it again.

"They're beautiful, I want to see more of it." 

Leo wanted to see more of it.. for a lifetime, till death.

"See you later, Love." 

'See you Later, Laticia'

Leo held the hand that was gently caressing his cheeks and slowly opened his eyes and was greeted with a pair of Black eyes that were once filled with emptiness were now filled with affection, adoration, warmth, and love. There was a bit of doubt on it, but Leo easily erased it by kissing the palm of the girl's.

"You're awake," Leo warmly said causing the girl to giggle and hum in agreement. 

"You're awake," The girl responded back.

Leo sat up and stared at the room of the illusionist. 

"Your room, they aren't as Magical the last time I saw it." Leo commented while softly pressing her hand on his cheek.

"Well, I just think that they are suitable for my room's theme today," Leo's gaze turn back towards the girl and saw her staring at him cautiously.

"You don't like it?" Laticia asked softly with a hint of nervousness on her voice.

Leo smiled at the girl and presses a kiss on her forehead.

"I love it, don't worry about it love, you can do whatever you want. It's your room after all," Leo said to appease the girl who was in distress.

Laticia pouted and pick up a lone pink petal and laugh at the boy. "okay, but I wanted to ask you too. so, I would know if you hate it or not, After all I wanted you to visit my room again just like in the past."

Leo grinned and once again presses a kiss on her forehead.

"Okay, I would visit your room again just like when we were kids."

Laticia softly giggled and the pair observed the cherry blossoms surrounding the whole room with creatures spreading blankets on the floor to mimic a picnic.

"Cheers for our renewal,"

"Cheers for our renewal."

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