chapter seventeen

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I wish I could tell Peter stopped me. Made me stay, so we could be together. But we were moving. Already on the next day.

I was nervous all day long and about to have a mental breakdown if we were about to actually move.

My mom locked me up in my room and wouldn't let me out until I would pack my suitcase. It was early. Too early for me. But still I needed to pack my things. Unnecessary. The important things were still at home... uh I mean in Peters basement. My old clothes... my walkman and him. I still wore his shirt and I was about to keep it.

I threw all my stuff aggressively in the suitcase. I was angry but mostly to suppress my sadness.

"Okay I'm ready.", I yelled. Even if I didn't wanted to come out. But without water and food, it wouldn't take long for me to die in here. My mom opened the door. Then she grabbed my wrist again. But not as soft and carefully as Peter it does. She pulled me out of the house.

"Mom... I'm almost 18. I can stay here. With Peter.", I yelled. I tried it like a million times. But my moms constantly a drunk control freak who doesn't care about my feelings. "You won't. Not with him.", she said angry, "I don't feel good about him."

I breathed heavy. Whatever she was going to say now, it couldn't be good.
"I once saw him in front of his door and in the next second he surfaced on a totally other place. But he didn't moved.", she said shook, "I think he could be one of these freaks. A mutant."

This words hurt. They still do. Mutants aren't freaks. I am not a freak.. Right? I have my doubts bout that. But Peter ain't a freak. Yea he's a dork and a loser but not a freak. "We're moving in a saver area.", my Mom added. Then she pressed me in our car.

I looked back at Peters house. We were already driving. I couldn't see him. But he said he'd always follow me, right?

10 years later

He didn't followed. Never. I haven't seen him since 10 years.

That was pretty much to deal with for a girl who knew now that he was the love of her life.

I missed him so much.
I was constantly thinking if he also missed me and thought the same things. Or if he didn't care anymore and was on the move with some other girl who'd never fit with him like I did.

Well damn.

My life since I moved was shit. We were living in a 'saver area' now. Aka a pretty weird corner of San Francisco. My mom thought she was save. But she didn't knew that she brought the mutant here. It would be way saver without me.

The job my mom got was pretty much like the old one. She was at work the whole day until like 1 am. So I was constantly home alone.
Well not today. My mom drunk too much last night so she needed to stay home. 

Usually I was at home the whole day. But my mom was getting on my nerves and since she separated me and Peter, I hated her more than anything. So I had been walking around the surrounding for like 2 hours. It was almost dark already, so I was on my way to our apartment.

San Francisco was okay. But I never got used to it. My home was still were we used to live. Now we lived in a kinda small apartment. The building was pretty big but all the apartments were small. It felt like they used more space for the staircase and the corridors than for the apartments.

I got in. My mother was sitting on the couch in the living room. I ignored her and got in my room a few steps father. I did never forgive her for separating me from Peter.

My room was small. On one of my walls was still a Pink Floyd poster but next to it there were some other ones of Queen, Rush and the clash.
I kinda moved on, but not really.

I looked over to the chair in front of my desk. Peters shirt lay on it. I smelled briefly on it and put it on. In my mind it still smelled like him. But I guess it smelled like me now.

I put the shirt on. Then I dropped myself on my bed.
I took a deep breath. I glanced at my right. Peter used to lay next to me like every day.

I briefly imagined him laying next to me. And smiling, laughing, mostly smirking at me.

My eyes filled up with tears. Okay, y/n... breathe. Don't cry. Don't. Don't cry, I told myself in my mind.
Too late, I guess. I already was about to cry.

Then I heard something. A familiar voice. Not my mother. I'm afraid, neither Peter. That voice came from the tv. It took me a while to assign it correctly.

"Erik....", I said.
I wiped away my tears and stood up.

I walked into the living room. My mom was sitting in front of the tv and looked angry.

I looked at the tv. They were showing the scene of Erik ten years back. In Washington. They said something of the tenth anniversary.
I immediately got goosebump.
And a slightly flashback....


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