Chapter 4

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Chapter 4: The Dying Miracle

Laticia seems to sense something causing for her to stare behind her and saw Leo standing and staring at her.

Laticia felt a sudden embarrassment at the thought of the male listening to her sentiments.

"What are you doing here?" She softly ask, Leo noted the the absence of the smile on her face.

"I followed you when you suddenly walk out of taking photos." Laticia felt a rush of heat coming up on her face so she immediately look away.

Leo walk towards her and stand beside her.

"Never thought you have emotions aside from happiness." Laticia eyed the male weirdly.

"Pfft, what are you talking about. what you saw was just my gift. Sometimes I have to do a drama so life won't become boring." Laticia said while laughing and then clings on Leo's arm.

Laticia thought the male would push her away just like always, but to her surprise the male let her. She look up and saw Leo staring at the fireworks. 

Laticia unknowingly tighten her grip for a reason unknown to her. Is she a searching for a warmth? a comfort from someone? or is she that desperate to get close towards the male to feel serene and calm?

Leo noticed her odd behavior but didn't comment anything.

"Let's go back, The party is still on going!" Laticia cheerfully said and pulled him back towards the house.

"I can walk by myself," Leo coldly said but didn't pulled his arm away. 

Laticia giggled at him and tighten her grip on his arm.

'Still fake' Leo thought and frowned.

When the pair entered the house they notice the atmosphere was stiff and the people seems to be suspicious. They were all staring at a certain girl standing at the end of the stairs.

"What? No, that's --- the cracks were there, they were...everywhere. The house was in trouble, the, the candle was..."

Laticia who heard this showed a serious expression which was noticed immediately by Leo who stared at her confusedly. Laticia immediately smiled brightly at him and clings on him just like what she always do. 

Leo frown, even though he was suspicious, he shove this feelings away and stared at Mirabel who was panicking.

Laticia could see Isabela looking at Mirabel and saw her scoff. Abuela looks at the candle, then back to Mirabel, embarrassed and disappointed. 

"Abuela, I promise -" Mirabel continued but was stop by her abuela.

"That's enough." As nervous whispers build within the crowd, Abuela gives a pointed look to Mirabel, then puts on her confident facade and turns to address the crowd. " There is nothing wrong with La Casa Madrigal. The magic is strong...and so are the drinks! Please --music! A bailar, a bailar!"

Agustin motioned towards Luisa, who immediately move and carried the piano towards her father. Which he plays immediately to smooth-over the awkwardness. Isabella scoffs at her sister and went back to the party with the rest.

Leo walk upstairs with Laticia being dragged with him. Mirabel stared at her twin who stared back with her with unreadable expression on her eyes and a smile that seems to be constantly on her face.

The party went on without another interruption.

After the party, Laticia stood in the middle of her wide room that looks very magical, There are gems sticking on the corners, Creatures that were frolicking around, flowers that looks very unique and are glowing,  and mirrors in different shapes floating around her. The once white ceiling filled with splashes of paint were replaced with starry night.

The room looks very magical but what really captures your attention are what reflects in the mirrors. In the mirrors you could see people doing whatever, the mirror looks like a monitoring screen.

Laticia walk towards the biggest mirror and saw Her Abuela staring at the magical candle, looking very upset and vulnerable.

"Ay, Pedro... I need you. Cracks in our casita... If our family knew how vulnerable we truly are... if our miracle is dying. We cannot lose our home again." Tears are welling up in Abuela's eyes.

"Why is this happening? Open my eyes. If the answer is here, help me find it. Help me protect our family. Help me save...our miracle." Laticia places her hand on the mirror as she watches Abuela turns and heads back into her room.

The mirror turned black and Laticia heave a sigh in helplessness and a slight joy.

A thought of their miracle disappearing made her feel a slight hope. What if their miracle disappear and they won't have a gift anymore? Would her Abuela open her eyes and finally sees her.

If the gift disappeared, will she finally find her purpose? find a placed inside of this family? Become a Madrigal?

Will Leo finally notice and accept her?

Laticia dreamed for that day, and she also knows one person who thinks the same, and feel the same. Laticia could feel that things starting tomorrow would be different than the usual.

And Laticia isn't one to back out from challenges, she isn't a person who feel afraid from unusual, her gift literally can make the unknown. 

She couldn't wait for it to happen. For her to be apart of something.

She could only hope, wish for a miracle.

Meanwhile, Mirabel who heard and saw everything has her eyes filled with determination. "I will save the miracle. " the girl declared.

Mirabel immediately busts into her room, grabs her dress, grabs her bag, puts on her shoes. With her energy fully charged, she goes to her door, grabs the handle, then suddenly paused.

"Wait. How do I save a miracle?" Casita pantomimes back, showing that it has no idea. Mirabel thinks fora moment, and then her eyes widen in realization. 

"I figure out what's happening to the miracle." Casita move as if it was asking her if she knows what's happening.

"Oh, I have no idea, but there are two people in this family who hears everything and knows everything about everything.." Mirabel answered and looks at a picture of her family, and zeroes in on... Dolores, her cousin who hears everything, and Laticia, Who for some reason knows everything.

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