Chapter Thirty-Eight

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"War erupted. So many lives were lost in the fray. I was doing my best to heal those that needed it, trying to keep the losses on both sides to a minimum...that's when I heard it...Belhpie screaming out to Beel...begging him to save Lili...Lili's scream...I saw her fall Luci you went after was the last I saw of any of you. Someone used my distraction to knock me out."

She shuddered, recalling the sudden darkness that had taken over after seeing her best friends fall one by one... "By the time I woke up again it was over, the rebellion squashed...I was told you were all lost during the battle, along with many others, and that it was my fault. As such I would have to be punished."

Her eyes cracked open, their blue depths dulled with the pain and guilt that still churned deep inside her. "I was kept under lock and key, only Micheal was allowed to approach me, he was my jailer and my friend, at least I thought he was..." She raised her head, clearing her throat to get rid of the emotions that leaked into her voice.

"I don't know how long I was kept in that room, just that one day Micheal approached me with some papers, begging me to sign them, explaining that it would grant me my freedom. I would be sent back to the human realm in order to watch over Lili who had been reborn as a human. I wouldn't be allowed to tell her of our shared past nor of her past life. After she passed I would be stuck there, banished from the celestial realm, even if I should finally die I would not be allowed to step foot in the celestial realm. I jumped at the offer." She gave a bitter laugh.

"I didn't want to be there anyways, I didn't have anything or anyone left there to make it feel like home. Lili was all I had left besides my memories so I signed it, not even bothering to read it. I took Michael's word for face value, while we weren't particularly close before the war we were friendly enough that I assumed he wouldn't do anything to hurt me...guess I was wrong huh?" It was a rhetorical question even so it made the males in the room bristle with their want to reply.

None of the males in the room had any kind of love for those of angelic origins, it was literally wired into their DNA, yet as they heard the way they treated the young woman in the room they were hard pressed to not curse them and their god even more.

To pin an entire war on one lone person and then use what little hope she had for redemption and freedom against was underhanded, sneaky and everything they claimed to not be.

"Hypocrites...the whole fucking lot of them..." It was Satan's low hiss that made them all jump, not used to hearing any voice but Kagome's.

Kagome gave a small chuckle. "Everyone is so very judgemental of other races that they forget at our very cores we're all so very simular...its why I never understood why everyone is quick to judge based on blood which race is better then the other....under all of it, race, titles...all that stupid shit were all the same. We all hurt, we all love, we all judge and long for our own happiness even if it means stepping on others to get why pretend one race is better then the other...I just don't get it and I guess I never will..." She trailed off a sad tired sigh escaping her as she shifted in her seat. "Ah, sorry I'm rambling..."

Lucifer blinked, taking in the way she twitched her fingers on the table, she was unable to get comfortable, she had been sitting in the same spot for hours, they all had. "Would you like to take a small break Kagome?"

She blinked, not having heard his voice in hours, turning to look at him. It was easy for her to see the concern he had for her in his eyes. She shifted again, trying to find some semblance of comfort yet it escaped her once more.

Diavolo frowned as he leaned his elbows on the table, collapsing his hands on the table. "Let us take a ten minute break. We can continue in the main part of the library, I'm sure the couches in there will be much more comfortable then the chairs we've been sitting in for hours." It was worded like a suggestion but it was clearly an order.

Nodding Kagome stood, her body tensing as the movement after being seated in such a stiff chair for so long. Groaning, she arched her back moaning as it cracked, rolling her head side to side to crack her neck before moving towards the door that led to the main library, ignorant of the three hungry gazes that followed her every movement.

Barbatos hid his smile as used his transdimenal magic to remove the brothers from the library seconds before she opened the door. They had been camped out there trying to eavesdrop and find a way inside the barrier since they had returned from the school. Instantly his lord expanded his barrier to include the now vacant library making sure that they would be unable to re enter the room until he allowed it.

Kagome mentally rolled her eyes at Daivolo's small flex, his powers playfully poking at her as he expanded his barrier, he was obviously trying to play it off but she let her own sliver of miko ki playfully smack his aura away as she made her way to the restroom attached to the library.

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