Chapter Thirty-Seven

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The silence that settled over the room as they waited for Barbatos to return was not only awkward but borderline painful. So as the demonic butler returned with two trays of finger foods, a mixture of human and demonic cuisine, she beamed up at him with a smile and quickly began to pick at the food.

Diavolo couldn't help the small smile that bloomed on his face as he watched her eat, his own fingers picking up a few finger sandwiches which he washed down with a glass of Demonus. His smile faded as he took in the other two males sitting across from him, their eyes were trained on Kagome.

He was hard pressed to not growl out in warning, yet he repressed it recalling Kagome's words. While she knew that a certain level of possessiveness and jealousy was to be expected given their race and their relationships to her, she also made it clear she didn't want to see or hear it as it made her feel like the villain.

It was silly, to blame herself for their instincts but he wouldn't voice that, not yet. He didn't want to scare her anymore then he had. To do so would shatter what little foundation they had been able to build and thus push her away when all he wanted to do was pull her closer.

He would have to learn to balance his baser instincts with his more rational mindset. It would be hard but he mused it was a lesson he would have to learn and perfect before taking over the throne anyways.

Lucifer was still reeling from her confession, she had fallen for him...well the Lucifer that she remembered. It made his heart skip a beat in his chest, a familiar warmth settling in his chest, rekindling itself and roaring to life. Maybe his past self hadn't been as ignorant to her feelings as she had assumed.

Either way...there was no way he could act on the remnants of those feelings now, it was blatantly obvious that Diavolo had taken their contrat to heart, his inner demon all but claiming her as his, to court her was to court death and while he enjoyed the idea of what they had, what they could have had, he did not fancy fighting his best friend...because if he fought him it would be for keeps and he knew there was no way either of them would give up while they still had breath in their lungs.

Add in the fact that it was very clear his brother was in love with her...

He took a small sip of the glass of Demonus in his hand, ignoring the burning gaze of his lord and brother upon his person.

Satan wanted to yell, to scream and shout, to let it all out. All the anger and hurt that churned inside of him. Of course she had feelings for Lucifer long before meeting him, hell part of him whispered that the only reason she had fallen for him was because she knew on some primal level that he used to be a part of Lucifer and it hurt him just as much as it angered him.

The only reason he wasn't lashing out was because he was so drained, in every sense of the word.



Emotionally and she still had more of her tail to tell...he didn't know if he could handle much seemed that there was no end to the puzzle that was Kagome Higurashi and he didn't know if he was still up to the task of solving her.

Instantly he felt guilty, yet at the same time he had been so close to being snuffed out by Lord Daivolo...the only thing saving him was the very cause of his close call. It was funny, hysterical really, it was a contratacion.

Just like the small woman sitting before him, she held the hearts of two, no three of the most powerful demons in the Devildom and she didn't eve realize it, instead she lamented her fate and thought it was stupid.

That she was stupid. Like wasn't worth it, that wasn't her choice to make. Even so he wouldn't voice his opinion, not so publicly and not until he knew all the facts...once he did he would make up his mind and begin his plotting accordingly.

Stomach stated for the time being Kagome leaned back in her chair, her head lolling back exploding the pale skin of her slim neck to the demons in the room. It was a rookie if not dangerous move yet she was hard pressed to notice the way their gazes zeroed in on the beating of her pulse.

Her eyes slid shut as she let her memories once again stir to life. "Where was I....oh yes...Lili was such a stubborn young woman, even with the threat of punishment hanging over her head she held fast to her love. It started a divide among the angels. There were those that supported her, was it not an angel's purpose in life to spread light, good, happiness and love to all? Then there were those who thought it was blasphemy, putting her love of a human before her duties, before her father. It was the beginning of the end..."

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