Chapter Thirty-Two

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Lucifer, shivered at the low level tone his lord spoke in, he seemed calmer but it was clear to everyone in the room he was just looking for another reason to lash out. His hands rubbed at Satan's back, his body lurching with each shuddering raspy breath he took.

The boy had no idea how close he had been to being snuffed out.

Why couldnt he had just listened to him this one fucking time?

Satan could only shiver, leaning in to the touch of his brother, needing some form of comfort after the very brutal attack on himself from their lord.

His vision was dotted with back spots, blurry from the tears that had escaped his eyes, they burned as they caught sight of Kagome's legs, the only thing visible of her small body as the demon prince tried his best to shield her, no absorbe her, into his embrace.

He had known there was more to the story Lucifer had fed them earlier and now it was proven...and it made his stomach lurch as his heart shuddered in his chest.

Diavolo was getting annoyed at the silence, the only sound was Kagome's light sniffles and Satan's shuddering uneven breathing. If no one was going to talk he would make them talk..

Lucifer sensing the shifting of his lord's mood lowered his wings, his gaze lowering in submission yet he didn't move from his spot next to his brother, ready to protect him if need be. "There are some things we have to talk about that were only just brought to my attention." He paused trying to gather his wits and find a way to tacticall approach this subject.

"Such as?" It was clear from Diavolo's tone he was not going to sit around and wait for him to do so. He wanted answers and he wanted them now.

Kagome whimpered, the small sound making him pull her closer to his larger, harder body. The plains of his hard chest made her softer female one throb in pain as he crushed her to him. She glanced up at him, his gaze was no doubt on the brothers, not that she could see, his face was hard. His eyes cold, this was not the smiling prince she had met the day before, nor the one she happily bid goodbye to.

There was no mirth dancing in his eyes nor a small smile on his this was a demon prince angered, enraged, and ready to defend what he considered his. It was a bit shocking, they weren't a thing, weren't even close to being a thing let alone close friends but the rage and possessiveness he was was eye opening.

Lucifer had not been overeaxgeratning when he said that Diavolo was a possessive man, most demon males were, yet this...this was borderline obsessive and they had only known each other for two almost made her rethink her blind acceptance of his offer.

Yet she wasn't about to go back on her word, she made her bed...accepted his hand in friendship and opened herself to the possibility of being his wife and thus she would deal with this side of him, for it was just another part of him and who was she to judge him? Did she not have her faults and sides of herself that scared not only others but herself?

Yes, there were parts of her that no living being had been privy to and she mused maybe she should put all of herself out there after all this was her life, their lives...not some game of cards and dice.

"We all need to calm down and talk...there's alot about me that no one knows and I think it's only fair that you know the mess that is my life and from there we can decide if this is something worth pursuing..." It was clear she was addressing Diavolo more so then the other two in the room but she also wasn't excluding them.

Diavolo tore his eyes from the demon brothers before him, gazing down at the blue orbs that gazed back up at him, fear swirling in the deep blue eyes.

It hurt him to see the fear in the blue orbs, yet what was done was done, all they could do was move forward. She needed to know what she was getting herself into just as much as he did... "Agreed. No more surprises..."

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