Chapter Thirty

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Diavolo knew it was silly of him but the thought of surprising Kagome by stopping by the house of Lamentation to take her out for lunch filled him with an eagerness he hadn't felt in a while. Even though his last relationship had been only three hundred years ago he didn't recall such feelings being stirred inside of him until they were ten years into their 'relationship'.

If you could even call it that. It had felt cold, stale, and so very much like a business transaction. She was in it for the perks of dating him...the money, the power, the influence. He himself was doing it out of duty, to keep the nobles happy. Then as soon as he began to think maybe, just maybe he could learn to love her she tried to slit his throat...literally.

Then there was Kagome, she came in like a hellcat, spitting fire and brimstone. Only to crumble and show an innocence and vulnerability that called to him like a siren's song. She was a walking contradiction, and it stirred things inside of him that he didn't even know were a thing.

He had been very truthful in his words to her, he wanted to get to know her as a person, not just as his bride to be. There was something about her that tugged at him, she was a puzzle that he wanted to solve.

A human miko who had connections to all three realms...who wouldn't be intrigued?

Add in the fact that she was all made him preen in a way he hadn't since...well...he was hard pressed to recall that last time he felt so giddy...maybe when he had first began introducing the brothers to the Devildom?

Blinking at the thoughts he shoved them down, he could ponder on it later, he wanted to be sure they had time to eat and enjoy each other's company before he had to return to his classes.

Mind made up, he quickly informed Barbatos of his plans for lunch before leaving the school grounds to seek her out; he couldn't help the small bounce in his step. He would take her out to eat at a local lunch spot, of course Lucifer would be invited so as to keep the rumor mill from running away with their gossip. It would be a while before he could take her out on the town just them, should she decide to let him, if it was the three of them then it would make more sense.

Lucifer and himself were the heads of the student council of course they would be expected to show the new exchange student about their homeworld. He felt a tad bit guilty, he knew his friend had some form of feelings for Kagome, granted they were formed by a Lucifer who longer existed they were still there and that made him bristle, if only a bit.

It was silly, really. He knew Lucifer would never purposely hurt him; it was just the fact that he had a connection, a foundation, already laid down with Kagome while he had nothing but a piece of paper and a whisper of what could be...

It made his demonic instincts flair to life and his father had taught him to never ignore them. It was going to be a very fine line he would have to learn to balance but he was up for the challenge.

He knew Kagome would be worth it in the end, so as he knocked once he couldn't help the smile that bloomed on his lips as he threw open her door only to feel his blood freeze in his veins at the sight of a very demonic Satan looming over his bride to be, the scent of arousal thick in the air.


And Kagome's.

He couldn't hold back the low growl that spilled from his lips, his blood lust surging to the forefront along with his true demonic form. "What the fuck is going on here?"

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