Chapter Twenty-Nine

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Kagome sighed as she made her way to her oversized bed and fell upon it, her face was still hot even though her blush was slowly fading. God, she had no doubt he thought her some kind of harlot. Grabbing a nearby pillow she screamed into it, willing all her embarrassment and shame to flow out into it with the yell.

She shoved the pillow away to glare up at the canopy of leaves, what a wild two days... Just when she thought she would be able to relax and live a normal life if only for a brief time she gets pulled into yet another wild wacky adventure.

Was her life a fucking iseki anime?

Snorting at the thought she threw an arm over her eyes to block out the light. Maybe if she just laid here and didn't move the world would forget about her?

Wouldn't that be nice?

Letting out a hollow chuckle she was hard pressed to not scream as the bed dipped, tone legs settling on either side of her hips as strong hands pulled her wrists above her head pinning them there.

Blinking, her eyes dilating at the sudden light she could only curse as she met the glaring gaze of Satan. His lips were curled into a frown, his brows drawn together as he glared down at her emotions swinging in the jade green depths that seemed to glow with power.

"What the fuck is going on Kagome. Why are you here and with him of all people?" His voice was low, his power cackling right under the surface, his human guise fading to reveal his demonized one.

She gulped, her own powers stirring to life, she knew they had only a few moments before Lucifer noticed. She licked her lips, ignorant to the way his gaze followed the pink muscle, longing to mimic the action.

"It's not like that Satan! You know I would never do anything to purposely hurt you, you're one of my closest friends! Hell, one of my only friends..." She blinked as he gnashed his teeth together, his fangs peeking out from behind snarled lips.

Leaning down he nipped harshly at her lips, loving the small gasp she let out. "Kagome we are far more than just I ask again what the fuck is going on and do not lie to me." Kagome gulped, feeling his member slowly twitch to life as it pressed into her thigh, she was hard pressed to not shift in embarrassment.

"Look, I didn't even apply for the scholarship...maybe my mother submitted it thinking it was a legit scholarship to a human school. She knew I wanted to go back to school."

Okay, was she lying?


Did she want to?


Satan paused, from what she had told him of her mother that was a possibility...even so why was Lucifer so dead set on getting between him and Kagome? What did it matter if he had a pre existing relationship with her? Lucifer had never cared to intervene in his relationships in the past so why was this one any different?

Leaning down he let his elongated tongue trace over her lips, soothing the harsh nip he gave them seconds before. "Kagome, we both know I'm going to figure out what's really going on here so please just tell me. You've never lied to me before, don't start now." His tail snaked its way up her skirt to curl around her tight to give it a from imploring squeeze.

"Please." Swallowing thickly she moved to open her mouth, to let it all spill out yet the second she inhaled there was a quick eager knock at the door before said door was eagerly opened.

"Mah Kagome! I came to have lunch with you and" They both froze as Daivolo's happy go lucky voice trailed off, the very air around them freezing as bloodlust surgered to life around them suffocating them.

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