Chapter Twenty-Seven

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Kagome shrunk back, he no doubt thought she was a slut but it wasn't anything like that! Asmo had been teasing her about her crush on Lucifer, poking at her and taking glee at trying to make her flush new shades of red trying to suggest potitons and sexual acts that he thought would please his elder brother and help her win his heart. He was eager to have another sister to love and dote on as well as go shopping and gossip with.

She had been quick to defend herself saying she wasn't some bumbling virgin which only spurred him to pester her and bug for details. There wasn't much to say...while trying to live out her happily ever after with Inuyasha they had decided to get physical, a last-ditch effort to rekindle their fading feelings. It happened only once or twice, both of them had been virgins, bumbling and embarrassed. Their sex had been lackluster, awkward as he moved over her, coming in a few thrusts before rolling over to go to sleep.

They took it as just another sign that they were no longer the fated lovers that had been made out to be and had let their marriage fizzle out and became the best of friends. Asmo had scoffed saying that wasn't really sex and had teased that he could and should show her the true meaning of the word before helping her perfect her 'form' so as to snatch Lucifer up. She assumed he was joking and half heartedly agreed, too bad for her he took it to heart and used his skills of seduction to make her give in.

It had happened, and while it had been the very opposite of what she had experienced with Inuyasha it was still just as hollow since it lacked the right feelings. They had vowed it would never happen again and they would never speak of it again.

Yet with this memory blocking curse...things could get muddled, fractions of memories could be misconstrued and she didn't want that...yet as Lucifer glared down at her all she could do was whimper, fearing one of her best friends now thought the worst of her.

Lucifer was shaking in rage, it was sudden and all encompassing, something he had not felt since 'birthing' Satan and it was only matched by the pain that settled in his stomach. He wanted to lash out...yell at her and call her names...he also wanted to pull her into his arms and smother her in his scent and being.

The emoitns were raw and jumbled and he knew he needed to get a handle on them lest he say or do something stupid and irrevesiable. He wanted to hurt her yet the thought of it made him physically ill to his stomach.

"I'm sorry, you must think so poorly of me..." She gave a low bitter chuckle, who wouldn't? She'd been with two of his brothers...

Gritting his teeth he clenched his hands into fists at his side, resisting the urge to reach out and comfort her. "What I think doesn't's what Diavolo thinks that matters. For now this stays between us. In fact if he never found out about Satan or Asmo it would be for the best but for now we will let the subject drop." He paused trying to gather his feelings and thoughts. "You should settle in, write your letter and your list for Batbatos. Once it's lunch time we will eat and I will show you around the rest of the house. For now I need some time to sort out some things."

Kagome nodded, moving away from the door to allow him access to it, shame, guilt, and a plethora of other emotions churning in her like a raging storm. "Okay...and Luci....I'm sorry I keep making things harder for you...really I am." Her words hung between as he opened the door to leave her to her own devices.

Part of him wanted to let her stew in whatever she was feeling, another more newly discovered, or rediscovered, part wanted to comfort her, so he found a middle ground. Nodding at her words he glanced over his shoulder at her with a small tired smile on his face. "Honestly at this point Kagome I don't think there's much else you can say or do that can surprise's part of your charm." With that he closed the door behind him leaving her alone with her thoughts.

Oh man, if only he knew...she could literally write books about things she had yet to touch on with him or anyone for that matter...

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