Chapter Twenty-Six

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Kagome could feel the heat from her cheeks, she knew she was beet red at his question. Had anyone else asked her she would have been fine, but this was Lucifer, her Luci. Once upon a time she had the hugest crush on him, something Lili loved to tease her about. Yet that was the then and there and this was the here and now. Any feelings she held for him were but a shell of what they once were and it wasn't like she could act on them.

One, he didn't even recall her and their friendship, not fully, and it was obvious that even if he ever did fully remember her and their connection he would push it down and keep her at arms length away out of duty to his lord, it was just part of what made him Lucifer. He prided himself on his station and his loyalty to those above him, it was only the scandal of Lili falling for a human and the looming punishment laid out before the young woman that led him and his siblings to rebel.

Something she herself was the root cause of.

Two, she was an engaged woman, and while she had been tricked into it she would not bring dishonor to the man who had vowed to wait for her to make up her mind. She would not shame him or play him for a fool. She wanted their foundation to be solid whether they decided to be merely comrades trying to unite the three worlds via his RAD program or something more.

She wanted to break the cycle of pain and destruction that followed in her wake.

"Kagome, do not avoid the question." Lucifer's voice was a low growl and it made her shiver as she glanced up to meet his glowering gaze. Licking her lips she nodded, wishing she would stop acting like some shy school girl...he just had this way about him that shook her to her core.

"We're close...we aren't lovers per say, he is very dear to me...I'd like to think I'm just as dear to him but you can never really tell with him. One minute he's smiling and teasing and the next he's ready to explode...though I guess that is part of his charm." She smiled, memories of their past exploits coming to the forefront of her mind. She wasn't stupid, she felt something for him but wasn't ready to give it a name and whatever she felt for him would have to be put on the back burner if not snuffed out.

"Have you had sex with him?" Lucifer's voice was tight and he knew the answer before she even opened her mouth due to her small squeak. "Don't, I already know the answer." Pushing away from her and the door he had been leaning on he was hard pressed to not run his hands over his face and through his hair. Instead he settled for clenching his teeth and glaring at the wall next to Kagome's head.

"Well, whatever it is you two had it ends now. I will be sure to let him know. I would implore you to keep the more intimate parts of your....'relationship' from Diavolo. While he doesn't look it he can be a very possessive man and overprotective man. Once he believes he has been slighted his trust is hard to regain."

Kagome blinked at his warning but nodded, not wanting to pursue this conversation any longer. It pulled at her anger, being told what to do, it instilled a sense of sadness knowing whatever she and Satan had would have to die. That once again someone she cared about would be hurt by her, because of her. She knew it was hard for Satan to trust, to let someone get close to him and she was just renifcoing his disillusioned belief that he wasn't good enough to be happy or loved.

It made her squirm in shame, coming between friends and family driving a wedge between them. Sure she didn't know but that did little to calm the guilt inside of her...oh...well while they were on the subject...she lowered her gaze to the ground feeling she should tell him now so he wouldn't be caught off guard if Asmo recalled that one particular memory as well.

"I-uh...also had sex with happened only once pre war...and-" She was cut off by Lucifer's low growl, her world spinning as he glared down at her, his body shaking in anger.

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