Chapter Twenty-Four

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It was clear to him to see the bond between his brother and the small woman at his side ran deep, far too deep for it to not cause worry and panic to bloom in his chest. Just how friendly were they with each other? Narrowing his red eyes at his younger brother he cleared his throat, gaining his attention once again.

He needed answers and he needed them now.

"Explain to me how you know her." It was an order and it made Satan bristle, wanting to lash out yet he held fast to anger not wanting to upset Kagome more than she already was.

Crossing his arms over his chest he turned his nose up at his brother, glancing down at him from behind thick lashes. "Not that it matters but Kagome and I have had a pact for a long time. Since she was why the hell is she here as an exchange student hmm?" His voice held suspicions, no doubt thinking it was some kind of plot to make his life more complicated and miserable.

Why his brother thought he would be so cruel as to intentionally find ways to hurt him was beyond him. Despite his methods he had always and would always only want what was best for his siblings yet they would never understand that. It was his cross to bear.

"You think too highly of yourself Satan, this isn't some plot to hurt or humiliate you. She was chosen by lord Diavolo for the RAD program and will be staying here in the house of Lamentation under my protection. I expect all of you to be corridail to her and make sure no harm befalls her."

His brothers let out sounds of annoyance and all began talking at once. He felt his eyebrow twitch as Kagome flinched at the volume of their voices and to be blunt, their bitching. "Enough!" The hall once again fell silent as they cowered away from him and the small sliver of power he had let loose.

The threat was there.

Shut up or get hit.

Satan glared at the way Kagome tugged at Lucifer's sleeve as if trying to calm him down, it was a familiar gesture and it made jealousy bloom to life in his chest, she should only do that to him. "Well since she has a pact with me shouldn't I be the one in charge of her?" While asked as a question it was a statement and the other brothers could only watch as the air between the two seemed to fill with a charge of animosity.

Lucifer knew what Satan was trying to pull and he would have none of it, no Kagome was off limits. While he couldn't tell anyone about the pending engagement between their prince and the small human woman he also couldn't let whatever the two had between them continue so like always he would have to be the bad guy and honestly he was used to it.

"No, in fact let me make myself very clear right here and right now none of you are to lay a hand on a single hair of her head. She is here as an exchange student under Lord Diavolo's protection, pact or no pact. She will be treated with respect and you will remember that. Now go, get ready for classes while I help her get settled in." He moved his hand to her lower back and began to direct her down a hallway, ignoring the hushed conversations that burst to life as they left the room.

Kagome was hard pressed to not glance back at Satan, feeling his anger and hurt as his gaze burned into her back. She wanted to approach him, to explain to him the situation yet she had given Diavolo her word to keep it between herself and the three demons that had been at the breakfast table that morning. She knew by doing so it would only hurt him more in the long run...maybe she could plead her case with Lucifer and in turn Diavolo.

Satan of all people had a right to know, while they weren't an official thing they had a thing. They were lovers to an extent, having shared a bed many a time, but held no official title and while he was very dear to her she was still recovering from her last real relationship hence not giving their thing a title and he seemed to be okay with that but now she wasn't so sure...

God, why did these things always have to happen to her?

Oh yeah...God was a real prick that was why. 

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